Flying for Real..

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Vc Ten
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Re: Flying for Real..

Post by Vc Ten »


Update on the hobbyking viper
Well the airframe is complete. Lots of messing about with the retracts but other than sorting out the nose wheel steering, we are just about there. The wings are secured with graupner multi lok fittings so there are no external screws The only visible linkages are on the elevator so the airframe is pretty clean. Would love to go for a wren 44 Turbine, but I know I'm not up to it and it would end in tears, also doubt that I can get the c of g to the required position, bearing in mind the decreasingly fuel load would move it ever further back, and if it was possible to fit the fuel tank on the c of g the weight of the turbine in the rear would neccesitate much ballast in the nose Looking at a 12 blade 90mm lander edf and once fitted, a 6 cell battery sized to get a good balance
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Re: Flying for Real..

Post by DaveB »

Hello Mate :hello:

That's lookin great :thumbsup: Agree with you over the turbine. While an electric motor isn't ideal (or what you'd really want) it should be easier to setup and once done, you won't have CoG worries with a diminishing fuel load. Can't wait for you to get this little tinker (big tinker) in the air :thumbsup:

Dave :)
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Re: Flying for Real..

Post by DaveB »

At last.. I finally got my butt across the common with the Bixler this afternoon :rock:

Not flown for months until now (literally) and I'm pleased to say both I can the Bixler came back in one piece :lol: Can't remember when the batteries were last charged.. after the last session last year I guess.. but they still appeared to have kept their charge well. Only put 2 through it (the Overlander 1300 and one of the Turnigy 15's) before the wind started getting a little too frisky for my out-of-practise hand but it was great to get out again and I had fun with the 2 batteries used. Perfect conditions for the Bixler really.. little wind near the deck and a nice steady breeze at around 100ft. Had it almost completely motionless a number of times.. just the gentlest dab on the aileron stick to keep her nose into the wind :)

There was one drawback though. Both the Bixler and my jeans are spottled with mud so SWMBO isn't best pleased :worried: :lol:

Calm airs and safe flights to you all ;)

DaveB B)smk
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Vc Ten
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Re: Flying for Real..

Post by Vc Ten »

Hiya mate :hello:
Was out on Saturday had the chipmunk and the stryker out. Field was a bit of a state making take offs and landing tricky but flew 4 flights with chippy without problems just a bit of which way to waggle the rudder stick on finals Ran a couple of batteries through the stryker, pushing it a bit but aware that I'd not flown for a few months. No one else down there so headed back home after a couple of hours
Getting closer to finishing the viper jet. Waiting for steering servo and receiver from hobby king. Fan units fitted and looks mean, can't wait to run it up.
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Re: Flying for Real..

Post by DaveB »

Excellent mate :thumbsup:

I showed SWMBO a picture of the Viper and she asked how you get away with it. He has a very understanding and supportive wife I told her :lol:

Dave B)smk
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Re: Flying for Real..

Post by Vc Ten »

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Flying for Real..

Post by FlyTexas »

A squirrel tries his hand at flying. :lol: ... r_embedded


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Re: Flying for Real..

Post by DaveB »

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Nicely done. He was good too (presuming it was a HE squirrel) :lol:

DaveB B)smk
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Re: Flying for Real..

Post by DaveB »


Well.. another lovely day now the sun has broken through so I decided to take the Walrus out for the first time this year. Having had almost 2 complete batteries worth of spirited flying, I suddenly heard the Walrus sounding rough and bits falling from the sky :-O I immediately chopped the throttle and was able to bring the Walrus back safely (and expeditiously) while at the same time.. trying to keep an eye on the falling bits :worried: I'd realised quickly that the falling bits were the canopy and canopy cover.. the other bit was one of the prop blades! :-O It's sheared cleanly about an inch from the spinner. Gad knows what's happened. Logically, the canopy would go backwards not forward into the prop but the only other alternative is that the blade sheared and took out the canopy :dunno: There are no impact marks anyway and the break on the blade is clean. Get the AAIB out sharpish :lol:
Went online at Hobbyking using their Live Chat and was directed to a new prop/spinner set. I don't really need the spinner.. it doesn't have a mark on it but they don't sell the blades separately so I've ordered up two sets.. just in case ;) Less than a fiver a throw plus a tad under £3 postage from the back of beyond and she'll be good as new again. Grounded for the moment but I'm happy to still have all the bits. Just have to glue the black cover back onto the canopy base.. unscrew the broken props then fit a new set. Lovely jubbly ;)

Hobby.. how's your model coming on.?

Dave B)smk
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Re: Flying for Real..

Post by DaveB »

The replacement prop for the Walrus turned into rather more of an ordeal than I anticipated!

Having got just past the Paypal page, the HobbyKing site came back with an error box telling me there was a problem with the order and prompted me to fill in the info again. This I did and immediately regretted doing so as it took me once more through the Paypal process. The order appeared to be ok second time around but I checked at Paypal and as I feared, 2 payments had been processed 8) I emailed/ticketed HK immediately and the end result is that 5 days later, they've authorised a full refund for both payments leaving me to re-order. Gad knows why it was so complicated but there you go.

On a slightly different note.. remember the bike getting blown over twice in the high winds before Christmas?? Well.. I got a new brake lever off ebay for less than half the cost of a genuine Triumph part (it looks identical) and a week or so ago, I found a brand new clip-on (genuine Triumph part) for £45 (post free). These are around £75 +Vat so that was a result.

Having missed a week of fine weather, I thought I'd better pull my finger out and put the new bits on today. Removing the yoke top was rather more of a pain than it should have been.. exasserbated by the fact I had to go out and buy a 38mm socket (£10 from Halfords) and getting the bar-end damper out of the old clip-on was an equal chore but I managed to get it out without damaging it. It went into the new clip-on relatively easy.. much easier than it was to remove it from the old one! Anyhoo.. the new clip-on and brake lever are on and I eventually got the old girl fired up. That didn't go without incident.. try as I might, I couldn't get it to turnover let alone fire. I'd had the battery on Optimate and there was plenty of juice in it. After a couple of mins of frustration.. I realised it wasn't turning over becuase I wasn't pulling the clutch lever in!! :wall: :wall: :wall: I DID feel a fool :lol:

All in all.. it's faired ok under 2 covers on the back yard and the scratches don't look so bad. I need a bit of touch up paing to cover one scuff but the others will do. Didn't take it out.. I'd had enough by then :lol: It's getting perilously close to needing a new set of boots. M&P are having a spring sale at the mo and I can get the pair I want (Michelin Pilot Road) for £149inc plus about a fiver postage. However, I'm having trouble getting someone to fit the b1oody things. I tried a local 'big bike' shop and they said they'd sell me a set of Pilot Roads for £249 plus £50 for fitting and balancing (this if I ride the bike in). TBH.. I was gobslapped. FIFTY QUID???!!! :-O When I lived in Berkshire, I used to get my tyres from 'Ride In' in Reading. He was good for pricing and charged £8 per wheel (thats to take em off the bike and refit). Where the hell this £50 has come from I don't know. Does it cost £50 to take 2 wheels off a Ferrari.. have the new tyres balanced and the wheels put back on?? I doubt it (although the tyres will cost a damn sight more) :lol: So.. a bit stumped what to do *-)

Bless my timing but the weather is changing over the next day or so too 8)

Dave :)
Old sailors never die.. they just smell that way!

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