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Posted: 06 Aug 2015, 14:44
by Filonian
Welcome back Rob, and thanks for having the patience to get there. :thumbsup:



Posted: 06 Aug 2015, 14:56
by Airspeed
Hi Rob :hello: Great to see that you're gaining altitude again.
Best post I've read today :thumbsup: ;)
EDIT: I took a tour of your site btw.


Posted: 06 Aug 2015, 15:09
by DaveG
Good to see you back Rob, nice job. :thumbsup:


Posted: 06 Aug 2015, 16:29
by thehappyotter
Thanks guys. I've some final bits and bobs to do and they I may be begging for a few guinea pigs to test it out.

It should be far faster now, it's on an Amazon EC2 instance with the database on a proper separate dedicated database server and the files in their S3 file host which is spread around the world. Far better than the American host I used before.

I do have backups of all of the old site and all of the files we previously hosted but I've decided not to try and rebuild, as I've had to do a couple of times in the past, but to start again with a fresh site.

What that will hopefully mean is that add-on designers start to come and host their files there without worrying about the risk of it being hacked again like last time.

The main issue is that I don't design things myself so I've not got any content to get it started with, hopefully as I build the functionality people will start coming and using it as their host.

Again I've decided not to make the forums the main focus of the site as that's well covered elsewhere (ie. here) and hope the 'groups' idea where people can make small discussions based on the specific content becomes popular.

I initially designed it as a site where file creators could host their own 'mini-site' within the main site and post all of their creations. On thinking about it I decided that would likely become too fragmented and settled on the current groups idea.

Hope people like it. It's always weighed on my mind that I promised Leif I'd not let the site die. I reckon he'd approve.


Posted: 06 Aug 2015, 22:13
by Vancouver
Good job. Is it going to be open for anyone d/l etc or a members/login affair only?


Posted: 06 Aug 2015, 22:24
by thehappyotter
Always for everyone and always free. Once a designer makes their file public then everyone will have access to it.


Posted: 06 Aug 2015, 23:34
by emfrat
Well done Rob, and many thanks for that magnificent effort :thumbsup: :welldone:


Posted: 07 Aug 2015, 09:36
by 511Flyer
Love Readings and Psychic Predictions? A few other strange postings also.



Posted: 07 Aug 2015, 10:14
by thehappyotter
511Flyer wrote:Love Readings and Psychic Predictions? A few other strange postings also.

I'm getting the anti spam bot plugins installed now. They're a right royal pain in the backside!


Posted: 07 Aug 2015, 10:19
by 511Flyer
I agree with you there Rob. I'm also happy to see your return.
