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There Was This Guy and a..........

Posted: 11 May 2007, 23:01
by Tomliner
Dwarf( VCP=Vertically challenged person)(no this joke is not politically correct),in a bar.The tall guy was like an Adonis and expensively dressed.
He orders a beer for himself and a whisky for the dwarf,sorry VCP.Having drunk these they order another.After a few drinks the VCP starts to verbally abuse other customers,drops his trousers to moon everyone and thows up.The barman says to the tall guy'Your friend's behaviour isn't acceptable,if he doesn't stop you will have to leave.I must say that you seem to keep odd company,how did you meet?.The tall guy says'I was walking down a street some time back when I spotted an old jar on the ground,picked it up and rubbed it to clean it and I know this is hard to believe but Whoosh there was a puff of smoke and there was this Genie who says'At last I'm out of there.A thousand years I've been in there.I suppose you'll be wanting your three wishes now but I warn you I'm well out of practice.''So I said first I want untold wealth.'Oh that old one says the Genie,that's easy-poof-granted.'Next?'asks the genie.'I want to be tall handsome and irresistable to women''I can remember that one'says the Genie--poof-granted.'Your last wish?' asked the Genie.' 'I want a three foot pr!ck' and I got this idiot here.Byeseebye EricT

Posted: 12 May 2007, 01:03
by DaveB
:shock: :shock: :shock:

Ah well.. we were warned!! :lol:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 12 May 2007, 01:25
by jonesey2k