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Arianedesigns Boeing 737-BBJ

Posted: 07 Jun 2007, 15:57
by ColoKent
Hi everyone,

I just wondered if anyone has any experience with Arianedesigns' Boeing 737-BBJ. I'd love a full-featured BBJ for FSX, and the Ariane one looks like a good, detailed aircraft. The other question I have is this: Does anyone know if Arianedesigns has a repaint kit available for that airplane? I'd like to do several militay variants (RAAF and C-40C come to mind!).

I'd love any and all inputs in this...


Kent :think:

Posted: 07 Jun 2007, 16:04
by Chris Trott
Ariane is run by Peter Tishma of Papa Tango infamy. I would avoid them at all costs.

Thanks, Chris...

Posted: 07 Jun 2007, 16:47
by ColoKent
I shoulda known. After having Googled Peter Tishma, I was less than impressed to say the least. Add to that the fact that I spoke to the Ariane people at last year's Denver IFC conference, and I was similarly uninspired.

With PMDG's release of a FSX-compatible 737NG family (including the BBJ) apparently scheduled only sometime in the distant future, I was looking for an alternative to their well-known work.

Any other ideas you may have for a high-fidelity 737 BBJ with systems realism and complexity would be greatly appreciated!

Kent :shock:


Posted: 10 Jun 2007, 03:05
by ColoKent
...sounds like not many on this board have bought the 737 BBJ from Ariane Designs, so that says a lot (my theory is if it were THAT good, I would have gotten a number of replies). 'Nuf to find another decent 737 BBJ -- if there is one for FSX!!!

Kent :worried:

Posted: 10 Jun 2007, 05:11
by mgchristy
Hey Kent,
As far as I know, PMDG would be the only payware BBJ option for FSX. However, there are a few private livery repaints for the Wilco 737 series available on the major FS sites...but they're not 'legitimate' BBJs since the Wilco series do not include the -700 or -800 (BBJ2) models.

Not much help, sorry! FWIW, the Wilco models are quite nice, though.

Posted: 10 Jun 2007, 13:48
by hinch
you probably already thought of this but if you're a 2D panel person why not use the Posky models? You can pick up the PMDG 737ng series pretty cheap on CD on ebay or other shops (pimps Porting the panel and air files from that to the Posky models should be quite simple and would give you a cargo, BBJ and military exterior.

I think people will agree the POsky model is probably better than the PMDG one.

I don't own the PMDG model, this is just what i've read.

For a cheaper alternative (£2.99) I recommend the NG panel, but it hasn't got an FMS.

Posted: 10 Jun 2007, 20:07
by Chris Trott
There's also SkyDecks 737NGs with a basic FMS and a selectable level of realism. They're inexpensive and works great with the VistaLiners 737NGs and the POSKY 737NGs.