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Posted: 16 Jun 2007, 21:13
by Buggyman
I'm having problems with my PC. The machine is a core duo 2.4 with an ATi 512 MB graphics card, 2 Gb of RAm and running Vist Home Premium.

Ever since I updated from XP to Vista I have had problems with FSX. I have had so many crashes to desktop that, after 100% virsus check and a full machine defrag I did a complete clean reload and now have only the 'virgin' FSX without any extras/add ons bells or whistles. Still FSX crashes - sometimes just after selecting a new aircraft to fly, other times when in flight.

Initially I thought this was just an FSX problem and reverted back to my old faithful FS9. But that, too, did a CTD last night, again with no explanation.

Then I tried MSTrainSim and that also crashed after a few minutes.

Since this problem affects more than one programme I'm guessing that it is time to do a complete restore - after backing up the important aircraft of course. Before I take this step; has anyone had this happen to them? Any ideas?

Normally I would be at wits end by now, but we have just moved house and my hours for flight are a bit restricted by SWMBO demanding pictures be hung etc.

Any help would be most appreciated.


Posted: 16 Jun 2007, 21:22
by TSR2
Alan.... please tell me you didn't do an inplace upgrade to Vista?

Posted: 16 Jun 2007, 21:37
by DaveB
Ah :worried: I take it that's a no-no then Ben :think:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 16 Jun 2007, 21:55
by Buggyman

If you mean did I upgrade to Vista with all my programmes in place - well yes, I just followed the wise word from MS. I did take back ups onto my external HD though.

Guess I dun did rong?


Posted: 16 Jun 2007, 22:23
by TSR2
A word from the... well, probably not wise, but experience is a hard teacher... never never never... unless your life depends on it, do an inplace upgrade of any OS... and not just MS ones.

All the accumulated crap from the previos instal is still there... just well hidden.

Inplace upgrades should only be done in dire circumstances.

If you backup your data, do a fresh instal (i.e. format the hard disk and start from scratch) you will reap the rewards. :bandit:

Posted: 17 Jun 2007, 21:30
by DanKH
I couldn't agree more.... and I would even say that: EVEN if your life depended on it, your shouldn't do it all the same....

The first thing to do when you have the new OS at hand, is to backup AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE! Only then bank account-keys, documents and those things that really couldn't be replaced.....

Then a complete Format og the whole disc. and THEN the OS.

From there one thing at a time.... and don't reinstall your backups until you really need it.... sometimes you'll find out that those things you thought you couldn't live without, aren't that necessary after all.

Good luck on your re-install.