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Never try to cool a powersupply like this, ... Ever

Posted: 04 Nov 2007, 07:24
by airboatr
ya know.......... I hate to laugh when some one gets hurt, but it turns out ok, so.....

Now ya'd think by the age of 14 one would have figured out that water and Electricity Don't mix.
reminds me of an ol' saying:
Ya buy em books and send em to school and what do they do?
they chew on the covers and tear the pages out to wipe their arses :doho:

I am glad he lived to chalk it up for experince.
my heart does go out to the kid, really
I remember getting myself when i was a kid , aged 11 when i fixed my moms canopener
I did fix it by the way.....of course I didn't attempt the repair under waterand though :think:
And what happened to me?
I grew up and became an electrician. :lol: I'm much safer with it now though
45 and counting :D

Re: Never try to cool a powersupply like this, ... Ever

Posted: 04 Nov 2007, 16:55
by Tako_Kichi
From the report it seems like he got off light as the 'juice' entered his right hand and exited via his right foot. Might have been a different story if he'd had both hands on the power supply at the time! Mind you it was ONLY 110V, not the 240V I got belted by lots of times in the UK. ;-)

I got hit 8-10 times in 35 years over there (the first one was when I was about 6 years old) and the worst I got was a bit of surface burning to my right thumb from the last shock I got (the jolt went in one side of my thumb and out the other side when I accidentally put my thumb across the live input terminals on a piece of equipment I was 'fault finding' at the time).

My biggest problem with electrical shocks was that I found them addictive! :o When I got one the adrenaline kick from it was huge and for a few minutes afterwards I wanted to do it again just to get that 'rush' back! It took a lot of will power to resist that 'urge for surge' :roll:

Re: Never try to cool a powersupply like this, ... Ever

Posted: 04 Nov 2007, 23:22
by Chris Sykes
Not a power trip by any chance??? Ok ill get me coat...

Re: Never try to cool a powersupply like this, ... Ever

Posted: 04 Nov 2007, 23:37
by Quixoticish
My biggest problem with electrical shocks was that I found them addictive! :o When I got one the adrenaline kick from it was huge and for a few minutes afterwards I wanted to do it again just to get that 'rush' back! It took a lot of will power to resist that 'urge for surge' :roll:
I have the same problem, I've spent so long tinkering inside electrical appliances and getting shocks that I actually find it quite enjoyable. I'd like to get struck by lightning once, just to see what it's like. Perhaps it'll give me super powers.


Re: Never try to cool a powersupply like this, ... Ever

Posted: 06 Nov 2007, 06:05
by airboatr
Ok well it's like the saying goes
It’s all fun and games till somebody gets Hurt or (burned or killed with this stuff)

I get hit once in a while having to work on live circuits,
I’ve work 3000 amp services live inches away from bus duct
becuase, well, sometimes we just have to. we can't shut down the enitre plant or building to add one circuit or sub panel
But whenever I can. I turn off the power and work it dead.
Many times, yes all you get is a tingle in the dingle (but there are other ways to get that)
Let me give you a stern warning: one of these days the resistance to ground will be as such
you won't know anything anymore; it happens that fast,…. Aprox. the speed of light,
I known a few that have been shocked off 120v and they isn’t right anymore man
They have permanent damage done to them.
So yes it's fun to play grab ass and joke about it, ha-ha
But like I say
If you are in the path to ground and the resistance is such that there is sufficient current draw
you'll get hung up and you won't be able to get off it.
I knew of one kid in particular who opened a neutral and completed the circuit through his hand only,..One hand
By the time IT was done playing with him half his upper body was burnt black crisp (hand over heart dudes) it wasn't pretty
A big mall job about 18 years back, it was God awful. 19 years old..... And that was that
Sorry for the downer…….. but it plays for keeps.


Re: Never try to cool a powersupply like this, ... Ever

Posted: 06 Nov 2007, 06:28
by airboatr
Chris Sykes wrote:Not a power trip by any chance??? Ok ill get me coat...
you know Chris , The problem wasn't the power supply, it was the GPU overheating

I guess he wasn't RTFM properly :roll:

Re: Never try to cool a powersupply like this, ... Ever

Posted: 07 Nov 2007, 20:03
by ChrisHunt
Whilst taking Joe's comment to heart - I can't help thinking that even if he had died he would have come out of Transylvania hospital undead!


Re: Never try to cool a powersupply like this, ... Ever

Posted: 07 Nov 2007, 23:21
by airboatr
ChrisHunt wrote:Whilst taking Joe's comment to heart - I can't help thinking that even if he had died he would have come out of hospital undead!


gotta love that
:lol: :lol: