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New Nimrod fears after a mayday in 'The Stan'

Posted: 09 Nov 2007, 17:53
by Pringle

Re: New Nimrod fears after a maydy in 'The Stan'

Posted: 09 Nov 2007, 20:03
by Nigel H-J
The most sensible thing to do in this case would be to...........!!??........Bet they don't and instead state that whilst carefully reviewing and monitoring the situation it is felt that under the present circumstances and in order to support operational requirements..............!! :brick:


Re: New Nimrod fears after a maydy in 'The Stan'

Posted: 09 Nov 2007, 20:09
by Chris558
If the government won't beef up budgets for things like this - to rectify a well-known problem that claimed the lives of the crew of a Nimrod last year, AND the fleet are not to be grounded, then the entire Nimrod crews should refuse to fly until something IS done.

It seems amazing that military regulations seem to be more relaxed than the CAA. I mean, look at the modifications that were done to Concorde after the Paris crash. And that occured, not because of a direct fault with the Aircraft, but because the runway was not properly checked for debris.

Re: New Nimrod fears after a mayday in 'The Stan'

Posted: 09 Nov 2007, 23:55
by jab
I find it annoying that the press dont ever say that there is a replacment nimrod on its way the new verison MR4 same with the Harrier they always say ageing Harrier there a bloody new verison the GR9 :@ :@


Re: New Nimrod fears after a mayday in 'The Stan'

Posted: 10 Nov 2007, 00:07
by Garry Russell
Nimrod MR4 is due to enter according to what I finding about 2009 which is six years late.

So in effect there is no replacement until 09 at the earliest after nearly being cancelled near it's original date of 2003


Re: New Nimrod fears after a mayday in 'The Stan'

Posted: 10 Nov 2007, 01:49
by TSR2
Hello all,

What really pisses me off about these reports is the gae thing... as with any peice of engineering, if properly maintained they will last several lifetimes. I feel soory for the poor buggers who are left to pick up the pieces when the government withdraws yet more funding. If the aircraft was inherently unsafe pilots wouldn't fly it, as (even with my limited konowledge) the PIC still has overall responsibility.

Much as I believe that the RAF should be given the best resources available, media bollocks rules the roost again.

Re: New Nimrod fears after a mayday in 'The Stan'

Posted: 10 Nov 2007, 11:29
by DaveB
Fair comment Ben. The MR3's carry few original bits and the MR4's even less. There is no one in the world with any greater expertise on these airframes than the RAF so surely they should be the ones to decide it's fate. As per, it all boils down to money and successive governments seem happy to fritter billions away propping up 3rd world countries rather than spending it where it counts ;-)


DaveB :tab:

Re: New Nimrod fears after a mayday in 'The Stan'

Posted: 10 Nov 2007, 11:36
by Quixoticish
XR219 wrote:Hello all,

What really pisses me off about these reports is the gae thing... as with any peice of engineering, if properly maintained they will last several lifetimes. I feel soory for the poor buggers who are left to pick up the pieces when the government withdraws yet more funding. If the aircraft was inherently unsafe pilots wouldn't fly it, as (even with my limited konowledge) the PIC still has overall responsibility.

Much as I believe that the RAF should be given the best resources available, media bollocks rules the roost again.
The tone of the article and where it places it's emphasis really irks me; it's not a "our guys and gals are operating equipment that should have been replaced years ago" it's a "oh my gosh, the government and armed forces are messing up again" style article. They are very good at simply glossing over certain things that are eminently relevant to the news article yet are never reported.

And to think I used to want to be a journalist when I grew up. Thank the gods I had second thoughts when I realised how horribly sensationalistic the modern media is. They constantly abuse their positions and get away with it because the public keeps lapping it up. Modern media = rock, modern public = hard place.

Re: New Nimrod fears after a mayday in 'The Stan'

Posted: 10 Nov 2007, 11:57
by Garry Russell
It's of no surprise either that the media quotes it as being around since the sixties when in fact it was 1969 but their comment gives the impression it was in service at lot erlier that that.

As to the reliabilty it can be in as good a condition now as when new and that can be maintained throughout as long as the resources are made availiable to keep updating and replacing the parts.

Problems will occur and solutions will be found but it would help if the media would allow those at the front end to get sorted without all this hype.

Let the RAF call the shots be listened to, and recieved whatever they need.

The Government seems not to have a clue as despite the fact the country is involved in military operations at the moment it is seeking to make futher defence cuts.

But to say the aircraft is unreliable because it is old is a falisy.

A lot of the new equipement is unreliable for the same reasons......lack of proper support and resources from those who's job and duty it is to see that is in place. This seems even to mean that vital equipement is missing of a cheaper less able version is procured.

The replacement Nimrod is late and why??.....bad planning mismanagement and underfinancing at the top.

As DaveB indicates it really is about time the Government looked into using the British taxpayers money to look after the British people whether that be in civil social structure or defence.

The real heroes are those that do their best to make the best out of what they have and then go forth and do the job they are tasked with.

They do this knowing full well that despite their very best efforts the equipement they have to use may not be up to the standard needed for that task.

But without a second thought they go.......they at least have a sense of duty and for that the whole nation should be proud.


Re: New Nimrod fears after a mayday in 'The Stan'

Posted: 10 Nov 2007, 13:13
by Nigel H-J

Code: Select all

it all boils down to money and successive governments seem happy to fritter billions away propping up 3rd world countries rather than spending it where it counts 
You've summed that up to a tee Dave and if you didn't know......Our very own Prime Minister is considering frittering away even more.....subsidising the Afgan Farmers for not growing Opium!! :@
