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projects delayed until fs11?

Posted: 11 Aug 2008, 10:55
by DogTailRed2

I made an enquiry of a certain company regarding wether an FSX update would be produced for one of their aircraft.
They said yes but it was way down on their list, probably be available next year. Then they stated that they would probably skip FSX and produce a version for FS11, depending on MS's shedule.

Oh dear. This is kindof spelling the deaf-nell for FSX. I fear developers are holding off until FS11. Unless FS11 is totally
compatible with FSX scenery and aircraft then they have lost me as a customer. After just upgrading to a new system I'm not intending on another upgrade probably for another 10 years. 10 years may seem extreme but £1500 for a new system every 36 months is not available to me. There's also the hassle of reinstalling everything. Isn't the continual upgrade of FS starting to kill it off in some ways?

I just hope FS11 is backwards compatible so I can port over, if it's worth it. What will FS11 offer? . Otherwise I will stick with what I have got.



Re: projects delayed until fs11?

Posted: 11 Aug 2008, 11:34
by DaveB
Hi Ted :)

One can only imagine what FS11 might throw up at us and I'm certainly not going to worry about it! You can bet your bottom dollar that it will need the next OS to run on and I've not even got as far as Vista yet :lol: Minimum spec.. well, lets start at 8 core.. perhaps 16 core CPU's.. 1 gig of video ram.. 4 gig of system ram :dunno: It's all moving out of my range of affordability mate and I can never see me catching up :-(


DaveB :tab:

Re: projects delayed until fs11?

Posted: 11 Aug 2008, 12:34
by petermcleland

Microsoft have clearly stated that there will be no future backwards compatability in Flight Simulator...That's just another reason why I'm never going to move on from FS9. I think FS9 will in future be regarded as the last true Flight Simulator before they moved firmly into Gaming. I think FSX will be regarded as a failure as it broke just about everything and probably FS11 will get a great reputation as a "Wonderful Game" :-(

Re: projects delayed until fs11?

Posted: 11 Aug 2008, 17:59
by bigred1970
It might be a good thing too. while the graphics has been getting better and better,

the flight model has not really changed since the days of fs2. if that is what they are upgrading then all the power too them..... I hope.

they really need to make the flight model more modular, I would have only the model,texture, panel and a airframe template for the planes perfomace. (simalar to the config file now). every thing else would be modular like the gadges are now, the airframe template would reference a airsim file in a airframe folder that would be the guts of how that type of aircrat would perform (Ie, convetional airplane, helocopter,blimp, lifting body, baloon, ect.)

also the airframe templeate would reference an engine type, this would have its own template (model of enging like rolls merlin) and engsim (type of engine, like inline piston, turbo jet, turbofan, turbo prop, ext) file in a engine folder.

the types of powerplants and aircraft would be totaly expandable,

all people that wanted to make a addon would have to do is determine the type of airframe and powerplant they the plane they were makeing had, and fill out the template,

reall FS hackers could design totally new aircraft by makeing new airsim and engsim. and making new templates for them that anybody could use like above.

if they do that it might make what has been made before obsolete, but the future would be limitless.

Re: projects delayed until fs11?

Posted: 11 Aug 2008, 19:11
by johnhinson
petermcleland wrote:Microsoft have clearly stated that there will be no future backwards compatability in Flight Simulator
Have they?

I have read that their developments are always compatible with the previous version of Flight Simulator. The problem I have encountered is that half-hearted developers market stuff for the previous version as being for the latest one, and then when the next one comes along everybody throws their hands up in horror because it doesn't work any more.

Mind you, I have no plans to leave FS9 either, but perhaps not for the same reasons as yourself.


Re: projects delayed until fs11?

Posted: 12 Aug 2008, 00:37
by tgibson

Unfortunately, they broke that backwards compatibility "promise" with FSX. I followed FS9 SDK guidelines for my scenery, and the VTP excludes, the transparent images, and untextured surfaces are not compatible in FSX. I don't deny that I don't know how they would have made them compatible with the choices they made (shaders, round world, etc.), but those were the choices they made.

Re: projects delayed until fs11?

Posted: 12 Aug 2008, 07:13
by Trev Clark
I am often shocked when I see previews of the latest driving games, they look so much better than any MSFS. Is that extra dimension so difficult to do? Maybe trying to model the whole world makes it difficult, but I wonder what car 'gamers' would put up with a sim that slows down (FPS) just when you get to the exciting bit (landing in our case) or stutters when you deviate course.

The new sim will be perhaps on a par with modern driving sim (if they start with a clean sheet), but at what hardware cost? Not to mention the lack of 'interesting add-ons', it makes you wonder why the real 'hobbyists' do not club together and fund a major re-work of X-plane, a great sim that just needs the 'eye candy' improving. If only X-plane had 10% of the MS budget, I wonder what it would be like?

Re: projects delayed until fs11?

Posted: 12 Aug 2008, 09:23
by Tweek
I've heard that true FSX models should be compatible with FS11, whilst still doing away with a lot of the old 'stuff' that's holding FS back from jumping to the next level. Given that FSX models are completely uncompatible with FS9, I can believe that, as FSX seems almost like a stepping stone into the next generation of sim. I hope!

Re: projects delayed until fs11?

Posted: 12 Aug 2008, 11:44
by Michael davies
Tweek wrote:I've heard that true FSX models should be compatible with FS11, whilst still doing away with a lot of the old 'stuff' that's holding FS back from jumping to the next level. Given that FSX models are completely uncompatible with FS9, I can believe that, as FSX seems almost like a stepping stone into the next generation of sim. I hope!
Thats a reasonable assumption to make, FSx is a different core engine, the first of a new breed I think, TSx will be spawned from it, but then theres this talk of the modular system they were talking about, does any kind of sim with the right plugins, maybe thats the next generation ?.

I think the hobbyist days are over, the sim is getting more and more complex and the problem is that FS9 is actually still quite good and will retain all those that dont wish to move on, not just in PC specs but developement and spare time, it takes a long time to model for FS9, even longer for FSx, many dont have that extra spare time these days, its a sort of FS idleness really :), l can spend 6 months on a really good FS9 model or spend 10 months on a really good FSx model, humans being a predominatly take the easy route race will more than likely stick with the easier option :).

You can only put so many hurdles in front if us before we begin to question the logic of climbing them all....or am I just getting older LOL.

I'm sure there will be a FSxi and I'm sure it will support native FSx models and I dont invisage FSxi to be delivered until after TSx which is due mid/end of next year, so you've got a good two years of FSx left, which kind of makes it bizarre for vendors to say its not productive, most models are out of date in six months. Having said that I have read and spoken to many who are doing just that, fine tuning FS9 and then jumping ship with FSxi.



Re: projects delayed until fs11?

Posted: 12 Aug 2008, 19:00
by Pielstick
I seem to recall Phil Taylor posting saying something about only "true" FSX models will be compatible with the next version of FS. I really hope they make improvements to things like ATC and weather depiction, but I'm not holding my breath.

I also see that FS11 is supposed to be released around Christmas 2010, which is around the same time as the next version of Windows is supposed to be released. Also note that DX11 has now been announced and MS have made big claims about exciting new features and revolutionary graphics capabilities.

Deja vu, anyone?

I really hope they aren't going to make the same mistakes all over again!