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Airport Populations

Posted: 15 Oct 2008, 09:53
by RAF_Quantum
Hi Guys,

FSA have now 'populated' the airports with passengers according to the airport size.
Konny wrote:Hi guys,

I just added a simple passenger system for the airports. Some time ago we already had a discussion how to implement this system and I now made the first step.

First of all each airport has a "size" where the standard pax/day depends on:
0: Private/Military - 50/day
1: Municipal - 100/day
2: Regional - 5000/day
3: Intercontinental - 50,000/day
4: International - 100,000/day
5: Super Airport - 250,000/day

The actual amount of passengers waiting for a flight can be seen on the airport info page. Now, if someone books a flight with e.g. 100pax, these 100 are taken from the airports population. If the flight is successfully finished some of the passengers will be added to the destination airport (because they only use it as a stop-over). How many of them are added depends on the size of the new airport.
Additionally, once a day the population will be "refilled", otherwise all people would be gone some day.

And that's basically it, hope you like it. If there are some airports where the size-value is too low/high, please don't hesitate to make an edit-request via the website.

A dynamically created list of all your passengers' details for each flight will follow soon...

The number of passengers available to travel can be seen when you go to book your flight e.g. Available flights from Lydd (PAX: 4688). There will be a few airports where the numbers available to travel are low but these are mainly the small municipal airports and private/military airfields. Typically, for us, this will include some of the small Scottish Isles airports and the oil rigs.I don't envisage this being a problem for us as most of these destinations are served by the smaller capacity aircraft. As per Konny's info above, if you find any airport that is restricting passenger loads let us know as we can request a reclassification of the airport if it is justified.

