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Wellington for FSX ?

Posted: 20 Nov 2008, 11:59
by Paul K
Not so much a heads up as a query, I suppose.

I was leafing through the latest issue of PC Pilot in Borders yesterday, and they had a shot of a Wellington thats due out by the end of this month. The link they gave is , but I can't find any more information about it there.

Does anyone know more about this ?

Re: Wellington for FSX ?

Posted: 20 Nov 2008, 12:01
by DaveB
Hi Paul..

No.. I don't know anything about that particular model but if it's of similar quality to other recent releases, perhaps you'd better search for your bargepole and make sure the twain don't meet ;-)


DaveB :tab:

Re: Wellington for FSX ?

Posted: 20 Nov 2008, 12:14
by Quixoticish
I'd be very interested in a Wellington for FSX if it's anywhere near halfway decent.

Re: Wellington for FSX ?

Posted: 20 Nov 2008, 12:39
by Trev Clark
Who are 'First class' Simulations, they seem to have some connection with Dan (of AS) or at least sell models made by him.

They have been able to get thier 'crappy' models into retail areas where other more established developers have failed. We need to find out who is behind them (our's is a small world) and stop thier expansion or make sure they improve thier products before too long! This type of sub-standard payware could help destroy an already fragile marketplace.

Re: Wellington for FSX ?

Posted: 20 Nov 2008, 13:30
by Michael davies
calypsos wrote:Who are 'First class' Simulations, they seem to have some connection with Dan (of AS) or at least sell models made by him.

They have been able to get their 'crappy' models into retail areas where other more established developers have failed. We need to find out who is behind them (our's is a small world) and stop their expansion or make sure they improve their products before too long! This type of sub-standard payware could help destroy an already fragile marketplace.
First Class simulations have been a round for a good few years, they started off in the train sim world, which is where I got involved, luckily the suppliers, us and others were better quality....if you can define MSTS1 as good quality ( very old game engine )....but that seems to have died a death, most modellers are waiting for TSx these days. Since then they have moved into flight sims with varying quality, more like a UK version of Abacus. One of their staff is a guy called Mike Hambley ( of FS sounds fame from way back ) of former Blue ArrowTS fame, sadly he went bankrupt and left several of us out of pocket and now works for Contact Sales which are part of and not wholly but closely linked to First Class simulations ( a very grey area these days as to who is actually what ), Dano from Alphasim is linked in here somewhere but only as a 3rd party supplier originally through Mike H I believe, actually any Alphasim staff can work elsewhere ( I have and still do ), Phil tolerates it, providing what you do for Alphasim is to a quality they decide is fit, fits in with their catalogue and in a time scale that does not impinge the products progress. So no skeletons there I'm afraid, much as we might want to LOL. Robert Stalibrass ( spelling ? ) was the CEO of Contact Sales and is a nice genuine guy, certainly thats the impression I got from meeting and working with him, I put him alongside Mungo from 1st Class simulations, nice level headed business guys, sadly that doesn't always transcend to staff below them.

Essentially they are a shipping agent/shop but have developed their own in house design and development team, mainly from importing 3rd party models for selling, as a shop their generally not worried about quality so long as it works in the sim correctly, they are a good venue for learners to sell their wares. The fundamental problem they have is the same as many these days, finding good talent, most of it has been snaffled up by the bigger houses, so for the time being they are a shop for new builders and seasoned simmers such as those that haunt these hallowed halls are best advised to walk past.



Re: Wellington for FSX ?

Posted: 21 Nov 2008, 01:33
by Paul K
Pah ! What a swizz ! ( as they used to say in The Dandy ). A good Wellington would have been right up my street, I just love the big old propeller stuff in MSFS. I'll keep an eye out for reviews and screenies once its released, but in the meantime my bargepole wont be allowed out without a chaperone.

Re: Wellington for FSX ?

Posted: 21 Nov 2008, 08:11
by Trev Clark
Thanks for the info, Michael. It seems that they are a good team of marketing people in need of some quality products!

Re: Wellington for FSX ?

Posted: 25 Nov 2008, 11:49
by d0mokun
Chris H wrote:I'd be very interested in a Wellington for FSX if it's anywhere near halfway decent.
It should be.

Re: Wellington for FSX ?

Posted: 25 Nov 2008, 23:47
by Quixoticish

Re: Wellington for FSX ?

Posted: 26 Nov 2008, 00:44
by Paul K
Thanks Chris, had a good look at those.

I have a question. Who ever is painting this, why are you making it look like its built of wood ?


Its wood. Its got a wood grain in it. Surely someone, not least the person who is doing the paint, has noticed that it looks like wood.

Is this another false dawn, a potentially great model ruined by something blindingly obviously utterly wrong ?

Its bloody wood...look at it !!!

:@ :@