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Introducing me... and a dac question

Posted: 03 Dec 2008, 20:23
by spot
This is my first post and my first time on a forum, so correct me for the next 6 months if you dare. :brick:

Hi :dancer:

My first querey:
Yesterday, tuesday, a D.C.3 flew up the M4 passed Cardiff Bridgend area heading west. Twenty minutes later
it flew back the other way. Does anyone know what it was up to? I reckon it only had time to get to Swansea but
not even to land. I'm assuming it was the BoBMF but i dont know for sure...

Re: Introducing me... and a dac question

Posted: 03 Dec 2008, 20:30
by DaveG
Hi Spot, welcome to the forum :dancer:

Can't answer your DC3 query I'm afraid, but I'm sure someone can :dunno:

Re: Introducing me... and a dac question

Posted: 03 Dec 2008, 21:04
by Garry Russell
Hi Spot

Welcome aboard :)

Hope someone can answer you soon


Re: Introducing me... and a dac question

Posted: 03 Dec 2008, 21:07
by HawkerHart
Hi spot :wave:
I heard it, but couldn't get to a window quick enough!

Are there many still flying, apart from the bbmf, now that they can't carry passengers?

Re: Introducing me... and a dac question

Posted: 03 Dec 2008, 22:19
by DaveB
Welcome Spot :wave:

Sadly.. too far away from me. Do the BBMF post a schedule on their site similar to the 'Reds'?? Can't imagine there being any displays at this time of the year so it's difficult to say what it was doing :think:


DaveB :tab: