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Posted: 12 Dec 2008, 10:32
by Nigel H-J
I know this has been covered many times but I am thinking of increasing my RAM, presently I have 2x1GB installed (only have two slots). Thinking very seriously to increasing to 4GB RAM 2x2GB.

This will be my very last upgrade for some time as the poor wife wants a new kitchen (present one 25 years old and she needs a bit of a change)!! :worried:

Had a look at Overclockers and they seem to do some very good deals. This offer has interested me though depends very much on the wife!! :worried:

Question is (before you all fall to sleep through me waffling) :lol: is this a good buy? Not being a techy I get very confused in the way all prices differ and what type of RAM is best to go for. My MotherBoard is a Micro-Star MS-7211.

It's the OCZ 4GB 800 MHz Gold Memory Kit (top of the page) it appears to have very good reviews from buyers though wondering how good it may be in comparison to others listed though have to be careful on price. Any advice greatly appreciated. ... 01&catid=8



Posted: 12 Dec 2008, 10:38
by DelP
Hi Nige ;-)

OCZ is good kit and memory is cheap nowadays but check your motherboard's capabilities first ;-)

Re: the doors Nige, new doors ;-) :lol:



Posted: 12 Dec 2008, 10:47
by Nigel H-J
Thanks Derek, as for the new doors........maybe you might be so kind as to suggest that to her?Image

Me?......I'm a coward!!Image



Posted: 12 Dec 2008, 10:51
by ChrisHunt

Your motherboard supports only up to DDR400 I'm afraid. You might find that older RAM is more expensive that current stuff. Also the amount of RAM useable does depend on your OS - what is it?

Just noticed in the blurb for the MB that is supports up to 2Gb of RAM - possibly more with a bios update but it does seem that you are stuck with what you have. Unless of course you update the MB but then you have to worry about the Graphics card and so on...

How good is the new kitchen? Mind you just think of the brownie points you'll have stacked up when that's done!



Posted: 12 Dec 2008, 11:12
by Nigel H-J
Hi Chris, going to show my complete ignorance here as not sure what DDR 400 is I'm afraid though my motherboard is not that old, front cover of the handbook is given P4M800CE + VT8237R Plus Chipset based PM8M3-V (If you can work that one out here's a pint for you) :drinkers: :lol:

OS is good old XP. Graphic Card is NVIDIA GEFORCE 7800GS.

Keep getting small amounts of brownie points at the mo, I work nights, she days (temping), so I get all the good jobs, washing, ironing, cleaning, hoovering, cooking, kitchen sink duties..........Still, I don't mind, keeps me in her good books!! :lol:



Posted: 12 Dec 2008, 11:25
by ChrisHunt
Hi Nigel,

Here's a link for you that explains the capabilities of your motherboad Unfortunately, whilst not that old, it is a bit restricted on what you can do with it. The DDR400 bit refers to the speed (generally) of your RAM; the offering on overclockers is DDR2800. I'm not even sure that your motherboard will support DDR2 let alone anything up to 800! The killer though is that the board will only support up to 2Gb RAM so it does appear as they you already have as much as it can take.

Re the OS - there is still a good deal of debate over whether or not specific OS's will support up to 4Gb RAM but in general 64Bit OS should whilst a 32Bit OS won't (XP or Vista).

Blimey, with that many brownie points you're amassing perhaps you can trade a new kitchen for a new PC?



Posted: 12 Dec 2008, 11:27
by DaveB
Hi Nigel :wave:

This is where the whole b1oody plot gets confusing these days mate. I used to like it when you had one lot of memory.. fast page mode then it went to EDO. I could handle 2 :lol: Nowadays.. there are multiple types and speeds of ram and it's more to do with matching the FSB of the mobo and cpu than it is with just adding more memory. Similar types have different CAS and latency too just to add to the confusion :)

DDR400 is pretty much old hat these days and folk with intel cpu's probably haven't used it in longer than I can remember. If as Chris says your mobo will only support up to 2gig of DDR400.. if that's what you already have then there's little point trying to go higher without farting around in the bios and even then.. there are no guarantee's :roll:

TBH.. I'd go with Derek's suggestion mate.. new doors :lol: No one see's the inside of the cupboards anyway ;-)


DaveB :tab:


Posted: 12 Dec 2008, 11:28
by Quixoticish
Re the OS - there is still a good deal of debate over whether or not specific OS's will support up to 4Gb RAM but in general 64Bit OS should whilst a 32Bit OS won't (XP or Vista).
32 bit OS's will support the RAM. Well, 3.5ish with some reserved for hardware addressing, but it's still worthwhile. We discussed it on here a few weeks back but I can't find the thread now.


Posted: 12 Dec 2008, 11:35
by ChrisHunt
Hi Chris H; happy to stand (or in this case, sit) corrected - I remember the thread but like you not where it is... There are differing opinions but with RAM so cheap these days sticking in 4Gb isn't going to break the bank (unlike the old days!).



Posted: 12 Dec 2008, 11:40
by Nigel H-J
Don't mention a new PC Chris pleeeese!! :lol: :lol: Many thanks for the explanation, going to have to work out some sort of plan!! :lol:

Hiya Dave :wave:

Exactly what I was thinking, what happened to the good old days when buying a PC and upgrades for it it was reasonably straight forward and easy to understand!! :brick:

Think you and Derek might be right after all......Fit new doors, saw a piece of wood and varnish it for the work top, as for a new kitchen sink, E-Bay might come in handy. :lol: When it is completed.........Do you give discounts for up to six months residency? :worried:
