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So This is One Reason I Don't Often Go Payware

Posted: 26 Jan 2009, 13:19
by Nigel H-J
Decided to have a few days' away from flying VA and trawled through the Pay-Ware sites and downloaded a demo version of the Just Flight Spitefire, this has probably been discussed here at one time though cannot remember when.

After downloading went for a flight but noticed one apparent flaw, when inverted, the Spitefires' engine just kept going!! :o

As there was a carburettor fitted, the Spitefires' engine would cut out after a short period when inverted whereas Ricks Chippie does just that. It appears to me that whilst Payware companies can produce some very good quality aircraft it sadly appears that they do not always ensure that the true characteristics of aircraft they are producing are preserved or simulated.

For the handling of this aircraft I cannot comment as never flown one!! :$

OK, so this is just one aircraft out of many that are produced by the payware companies but what has driven me to this post is that why was something so simple was missed out, it appears to me that those who involve themselves into re-creating aircraft for FS/FSX for their own enjoyment (Freeware) do so only after having fully researched their project and ensured that it behaves more or less like the genuine article with-in the defines of computer flight simulation.

So this reminded me why I don't often buy Pay-ware.

N.B. This was not meant to criticise 'Just Flight' but more or less to show that when paying for software you at least expect it to be 'As Real as it Gets'


Re: So This is One Reason I Don't Often Go Payware

Posted: 26 Jan 2009, 13:33
by DaveB
I dunno which Mk's of Spit are covered in that release Nigel but if it's the early ones.. then yes, they would cutout when inverted. This was resolved in later Mk's mind you. I won't say what the 'bit' was that was used as I'm sure there are many who'll want to do that for me :lol:


DaveB :tab:

Re: So This is One Reason I Don't Often Go Payware

Posted: 26 Jan 2009, 13:45
by DanKH
Ah, you are referring to the PCWI-bit!

Re: So This is One Reason I Don't Often Go Payware

Posted: 26 Jan 2009, 14:10
by skeating
surely you couldn't be refering to Mrs. Shillings orifice, could you?


Re: So This is One Reason I Don't Often Go Payware

Posted: 26 Jan 2009, 14:41
by Quixoticish
Nigel, as has already been stated later versions of the Merlin engine were quite capable of inverted/negative G flight, as were all marks of the Griffon (if memory serves).

Re: So This is One Reason I Don't Often Go Payware

Posted: 26 Jan 2009, 15:04
by petermcleland
Nigel...If you have an early Spitfire and would like to install the correct Gravity Carburetor without Mrs. Shilling's orifice then open the Aircraft.cfg file and scroll down to the [piston-engine] section:-

fuel_metering_type= 1 //0=Fuel Injected, 1=Gravity Carburettor, 2=Aerobatic Carburettor

Edit it to read = 1 as above.

Note that all the aircraft in that Folder will now be without the Aerobatic Carburettor.

Re: So This is One Reason I Don't Often Go Payware

Posted: 26 Jan 2009, 15:05
by Nigel H-J
Hi all, it was the Spitefire Mk1a, see below but I am sure that this is one of the earlier Mks of Spitefire that saw service during the Battle of Britain.....If not then I have to hang my head in shame and retreat to somewhere dark and quiet. :worried:


Re: So This is One Reason I Don't Often Go Payware

Posted: 26 Jan 2009, 15:07
by Nigel H-J
Peter, very many thanks, will do that now.

Kind regards

Re: So This is One Reason I Don't Often Go Payware

Posted: 26 Jan 2009, 16:46
by DaveB
Hi Nigel..

I don't have this pack (I did but can't find it) so it's difficult to comment but depending on how it was put together (ie.. different models with different cfgs or 1 big folder with different models and 1 cfg or even separate folders for each Mk but with the same basic cfg).. it could be that one flavour fits all was adopted.. assuming that the basic cfg is the same for each. As it happens, you shouldn't really have been able to fly inverted in a Mk1a but who's to say. Mrs Shilling's orifice was a clever but very simple addition to the fuel system so perhaps your's was retro fitted at some point ;-)


DaveB :tab:

Re: So This is One Reason I Don't Often Go Payware

Posted: 26 Jan 2009, 18:11
by skeating
Actually you should be able to fly inverted in the Mk1 as long as you maintain +1G.
The engine should only cut if you pull negative G (or should that be push?).

Confusing aint it :roll:

I'm sure that our Aerobatic Expert, Peter will straighten me out if I'm wrong :flying: .


must get one of them avatar thingies.