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Broadford almost complete

Posted: 03 Jun 2009, 18:05
by DispatchDragon
Mainly thank to Dave Moly Broadford is almost complete !! I looked at the Scotflight version last night and besides being out of position there are a number of scenic errors -- so here is what Dave has cooked up for you all (with Ricks excellent Skye Bridge in the background.


We will be adding some trees and brush before delivery

its rather fun to fly in and out of


Re: Broadford almost complete

Posted: 03 Jun 2009, 19:25
by simondix
Looking forward to it

Re: Broadford almost complete

Posted: 03 Jun 2009, 19:50
by DispatchDragon
Sorry its been on again off again Simon

But this time it is almost done :)


Re: Broadford almost complete

Posted: 06 Jun 2009, 22:15
by simondix
No hurry, it will be all the more appreciated when it comes.

Re: Broadford almost complete

Posted: 25 Jun 2009, 19:40
by basys
Hi Folks

Leif -
Don't know if the Broadford imagery has changed since you'd last looked,
but Google Earth & Maps - Scotland
has just received a far from contiguous, but huge update.

Update quality varies by area.


Re: Broadford almost complete

Posted: 25 Jun 2009, 21:56
by simondix
Downloaded it very nice.

Re: Broadford almost complete

Posted: 25 Jun 2009, 22:53
by Molyned
Thanks Paul :welldone:
That 'heads-up' has come just in time cos we're off up to that west coast in the next few days. The update has allowed me to suss out where our cottage is -couldn't make anything out on the earlier view.
And yes, Broadford is greatly improved as well. I'm pleased (and relieved) to say that it's pretty well as Leif & i have built it - even the various buildings are still there and in the same places.
Great work.
Dave M(oly)

Re: Broadford almost complete

Posted: 25 Jun 2009, 23:20
by basys
Hi Folks

Leif & Dave
Sorry, until simon posted,
I hadn't realised you'd already released, (08/06/2009),
Now downloaded.

Dave -
Glad to hear your project matches latest higher-res Google version. :)

Enjoy your trip,
where are you staying ?

Are you visiting Skye ?
Love that NW quarter of Scotland.

Hope you've stocked up on industrial-strength anti-M repellent. ;-)


Re: Broadford almost complete

Posted: 25 Jun 2009, 23:56
by DispatchDragon
Its been lurking over at the Pond for a while

Seems they have added a second hangar like structure -- Dave's opinion is you could put a Whoppity-wop in it with the
rotors folded -- just like the navy did.....they have also added to the apron structure -- it almost looks like my fanciful
helipad has come to reality......from what I understand that whole side of Scotland is sort of getting a facelift - similar to
Oban I guess having a Scottish PM does help some ;)


By the way I neglected to add the Waverley to the scenery - (well at least the published scenery) but if you add it it makes nice eye candy when flying the circuit at Broadford

--On a whole different tangent -- does anyone remember the two Paddle steamers that worked out of Ilfracombe and Barnstable
in the 50s and early 60s - with excursions to Lundy and the likes?


Re: Broadford almost complete

Posted: 12 Jul 2009, 15:07
by Molyned
Back from our hols in Scotland and been sorting through the pix.
Here's what Ashaig looked like 2 weeks ago -
Seems they've removed a couple of structures since the shots that Leif & I worked from and have parked some components for a wind turbine generator along the strip. Otherwise the place was deserted until I heard a whistling sound behind me as a glider touched down.
We also stopped at Oban airport which looked very much like our FS9 offering . Nobody around except for a bod in the tower, so I grabbed this shot through the lounge window -

We were staying in a log cabin about 10 miles south of Fort William and no, didn't need the anti-midge potions - just lit up my trusty pipe and they shot off smartish ;-)
For train-buffs - yes we rode the rails between Ft William & Malaig and later got pix of the steam train crossing the Glenfinnan concrete viaduct :dancer:
Dave M(oly)