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The Ponds "Skunk Works"

Posted: 08 Jul 2009, 04:21
by DispatchDragon
A couple of advance screenshots of Keith Paine' next gift hopefully for both Fs9 and FSX
It should be explained that Keith has a special connection with this aircraft - he was at Llanbedr for
many years.

these are early pre beta shots - he has been working on it for some time and still overcoming some very special
problems with the aircraft . The odd view from the cockpit is 100% authentic.


Climbing away from Llanbedr with the drogues stowed

and deployed ready for the mission


Thanks to Keith


Re: The Ponds "Skunk Works"

Posted: 08 Jul 2009, 12:59
by dswanson

Jindivik, retired after about 50 years service. This would make an interesting AI plane doing a circuit at Llanbedr which could be "chased" as a target. There was a manned proof of concept prototype called "Pika" during Jindivik's development which must have been odd to fly being so small. Virtually all of the RAF's A2A missiles were tested on Jindivik at some point until replaced in the mid 1990s.

Re: The Ponds "Skunk Works"

Posted: 08 Jul 2009, 13:01
by TSR2
I read an article about this little tinker and Llanbedr a few years back...a great addition to FS! Well done! :thumbsup:

Re: The Ponds "Skunk Works"

Posted: 08 Jul 2009, 13:09
by Garry Russell
Great subject :thumbsup:

Amazing how much they did for so long and yet little is known about them :think:

More will be known soon :)


Re: The Ponds "Skunk Works"

Posted: 08 Jul 2009, 13:53
by Rick Piper
Looks cool chaps

FS9 only ?


Re: The Ponds "Skunk Works"

Posted: 08 Jul 2009, 16:24
by DispatchDragon

From what I understand Keith is struggling with FSX as well to make it work -- I'll let him explain some of the difficulties hes been having -- I'm just flying it -- Interesting pov - Im assuming the CCTV was in the pod on the tail -- Its rather fun flying
a sim of a UAV


Re: The Ponds "Skunk Works"

Posted: 08 Jul 2009, 17:19
by AllanL
If you could squeeze a pilot into a V-1, these must have been pure luxury. Just a thought, having only seen these at the end of their days, were they ever so shiny? Or are flat drab paintjobs a recent result of Whitehall cost-cutting? :worried:

Re: The Ponds "Skunk Works"

Posted: 08 Jul 2009, 17:55
by Tako_Kichi
I spent many hours watching Jindiviks out of Llanbedr in the early 80's as we used to camp on an adjacent 'island' for a week or two each year. It was a great place for aircraft spotting as the boys from Valley used to use it for T & G's and there were always lots of 'oddballs' from the RAE coming in to visit or refuel. By far the best fun was sitting atop the huge sand dunes and watching the Hawks 'dogfighting' with the Jindiviks out over Cardigan Bay.

Re: The Ponds "Skunk Works"

Posted: 08 Jul 2009, 18:34
by DispatchDragon

I guess you will have to ask Mr Paine that question as he worked on the real thing at LLanbedr -- he is trying to capture the
"operators" view with it === I didnt even know they used CCTV to fly the thing -- It would explain how they could "dogfight" with Hawks rather than fly along in a straight line and get shot down wouldn't it.

As I said this is a very very early Beta and Keith is working very hard on it from his secret lair En France :) I just flashed these for you guys as Keith has finally let others play with his new toy. Im still trying to master the Dolly takeoff


Re: The Ponds "Skunk Works"

Posted: 08 Jul 2009, 19:54
by Tako_Kichi
DispatchDragon wrote:Im still trying to master the Dolly takeoff

Now that sounds very interesting if you can take off from the dolly and leave it behind just like the real thing. I take it you have to land on the belly on the grass beside the runway too.

From what I remember (it was a long time ago now) they were controlled from either a Canberra or a Meteor (I saw both in use) and the drone would take off first followed by the control AC. When landing the control AC flew just above and behind the drone and plonked it down on the grass then it flew off and did circuits until the drone had been recovered.

BTW if he needs another beta tester I have both FS9 and FSX on here. ;-)