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Inflight Refuelling??

Posted: 21 Sep 2009, 18:54
by Pricetx
Twice now I have taxyed down to the hold short area at runway 23 and the fs airlines client has told me I was inflight refuelling and has aborted the flight.

I don't know about you but inflight refuelling doesnt work very well on your own at the end of a runway :doh:

For now I'll just try the other runway, but has anybody else had this problem?


Ok, I took off from the other runway fine and am now climbing, so it appears to be a problem with the hold short at runway 23? I'll look into it a bit more tomorrow.

Re: Inflight Refuelling??

Posted: 21 Sep 2009, 19:58
by TSR2
Hi Johnathan,

this is a strange one, but sounds like there is a fuel box in the middle of the runway? What scenery are you using and which airport is this happening at? *-)

Re: Inflight Refuelling??

Posted: 21 Sep 2009, 22:22
by DaveB
Hi Jonathan :hello:

I take it you mean EGNV as this was your last departure airfield. Certainly odd mate. I use UK2000 scenery for this area and while there is no visible indication of a fuelling point anywhere on the airfield that I can see, the afcad indicates both JetA1 and Avgas available. You pass a couple of concrete areas on the way to 23 and I'm wondering if there isn't an invisible refuelling point there. I'm at EGNV now so I'll fiddle with the fuel I have and see if it jumps up. At least you know the 05 is safe ;)


DaveB B)smk

Re: Inflight Refuelling??

Posted: 21 Sep 2009, 22:34
by Pricetx
I'm using the default scenery for EGNV.

I had a look for the fuel and I do pass it on the way to 23, but it doesnt fill me up, and i even checked my fuel after i got told off, still at 33% ...

Oh and takeoff was interesting with a 20kt tailwind :lol:

Re: Inflight Refuelling??

Posted: 22 Sep 2009, 00:11
by DaveB
Hi Jonathan :)

OK.. I've cruised up and down the airport to and from 23 using UK2000 and I can't get topped up either. It won't happen unless you are going slow.. almost at a stop and it's taken over an hour for me to not find any invisible fuelling spots 8) I also found out tonight I have a fan going.. if not, I have a baby cow living in my pc case which moo's every few seconds or so :lol:

Right.. well, if you are having the problem using the default airport (didn't know anyone still used those).. don't loiter past the refuelling point you can see. Obviously, don't speed (above say 20kts) but keep your IAS faster than a crawl and it shouldn't happen again from the 23. Try it again 'live' if you can and let us know what you find. A problem for you might be a problem for all of us so it's worth highlighting ;)


DaveB B)smk

Re: Inflight Refuelling??

Posted: 22 Sep 2009, 07:38
by Pricetx
Sure thing, next time i'm down there I'll have a go.

And yes I only just installed fs9 a few weeks ago so it's a bit bare for now :lol: