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Guess the model

Posted: 05 Apr 2010, 13:57
by forthbridge
Here in the UK, you can be certain that cliches apply to drivers of certain types of car..... won't mention makes, but:

One certain make, you can be certain the driver will have absolutely no notice of anything else around them, and will basically drive like a lunatic, to the point of being a bully. They will sometimes be courteous, but overall, their car says a lot about their demeanour on the roads. Caution is advised when you see one of these vehicles. They may be brand new, or several decades old. Frequently associated with outdoor pursuits, and animals. What is the make?

Our second car type comes from the same country as the first, however these drivers are generally less bullyish, but, you are advised to be cautious around the. They are less likely to drive deliberately like a lunatic, but, they are possibly more dangerous than car 1 - they will frequently drive more slowly on good stretches of road, and speed up in town or in dubious sections of road. Generally, you can predict which turn off they will take (usually to an affluent area). But if you are near them at roundabouts or junctions, use caution. They have little regard for road markings and can easily surprise you with ridiculous and dangerous movements at the last second. They are usually oblivious to other road users. Can you guess this make?

Our third type is the 'dark horse'. They are not too bad a driver, and in fact may drive more than one make of car, but they are not your common motorist. They know what's going on around them, and frequently they have a vehicle whickh doesn't look out of the ordinary, but in fact is capable of some quite spectacular acceleration and cornering. Generally, they will respect other vehicles, but may on occasion become enraged by the antics of other road users, when they can be seen to change personality. When you witness this you are liable to blink and wonder what you just saw. What would be a common make for this car?

Our fourth contender can be frequently seen with several accoutrements which serve no purpose on a road going vehicle. The driver may present as a typical bloke, and most of the time they don't cause any real problem other than noise. They can look silly in one of two ways: they go past vehicles at eye-watering speeds, or else they drive at normal speeds and look out of place in such a vehicle. A common accessory is a branded vehicle make puffa jacket and hat. Where many of the drivers to experience what they appear to be mirroring, they would be candidates for a coronary. What make is this?

And our final contender - well, it can be found with limitless additions, from half respectable to downright stupid. A proportion of drivers of these vehicles are very young. Some are quite decent, while most beleive they are invincible and the greatest driver to exist. They will frequently have over loud exhaust systems and ridiculous looking spoilers. They will overtake in dangerous places and perform insane manouvres when possible. They are unaware than many cars have much more power than their own. A great pleasure when encountering these vehicles is preventing them passing you, although most of the time you are advised to give plenty room and let them get on with it, if not for yourself for others.... can you guess the type???

Re: Guess the model

Posted: 06 Apr 2010, 07:30
by AndyMinx
Well I don't know about the others but the last one sounds like a Saxo! :lol:

Re: Guess the model

Posted: 06 Apr 2010, 20:46
by Tomb
range rover for the first one

jaguar for the second on

3rd one an unmarked cop car

other dunno

if the indicators are never seen to function, BMW

Re: Guess the model

Posted: 07 Apr 2010, 08:31
by Hot_Charlie
Tomb wrote: jaguar for the second on
Unless the pension/savings weren't quite up to it, in which case it'll be a Rover 75/600 or 200, depending on age... ;)

Re: Guess the model

Posted: 07 Apr 2010, 09:15
by cstorey
What a disappointment. I thought the model was going to be shapely and curvaceous ( oh, and preferably female)!

Re: Guess the model

Posted: 07 Apr 2010, 12:13
by jonesey2k
Just sounds like 85% of car drivers to me :)

Re: Guess the model

Posted: 07 Apr 2010, 14:23
by clavel9
Last one says to me: "Late-90s Honda Civic"

At least here in Dublin it does...

Re: Guess the model

Posted: 07 Apr 2010, 15:41
by Hot_Charlie
clavel9 wrote:Last one says to me: "Late-90s Honda Civic"

At least here in Dublin it does...
I'm with Mr Minx. Last one could be either a Saxo, or its close relation, the Peugoet 106. A fortnight ago I had issues with three young idiot drivers in as many days, each time driving a 106. Seems to be in the in thing for dangerous adolescent drivers in Oxfordshire.

Re: Guess the model

Posted: 07 Apr 2010, 15:42
by TSR2
First one should be a BMW with the second an Audi. :lol:

Re: Guess the model

Posted: 08 Apr 2010, 09:19
by forthbridge

Must admit, I am seeing some familiar traits in some of the suggestions.. although not what was on my list.. :lol:

Some hints: Car 1 can frequently be seen with battenburg vinyls, and if that helps it's countryman car 2 should be identifiable..... the last vehicle is in the same league as the Saxo/106, so think 'starter car'.... previous to it's incarnation it's place in the marques' range was held by a differently named model with rather squarer proportions. In fact you may still see the odd one of those - quite possibly also modified! :agree: