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type rating

Posted: 09 May 2010, 15:28
by spot
Hi guys,

Just noticed that it says first training flight has to be completed within first month of applying....well :$

Have tried to send a couple of messages over at fsairlines requesting a training type rating for the 748. However I havn't had a reply or the TR. I assume I've been doing something wrong, or that powers above have been busy, but as it's been about a month :hide: , thought I'd comment here. :help:

Re: type rating

Posted: 09 May 2010, 15:42
by DaveB
Hello Mate..

The FSA PM setup is fragile at best and I can't recall having seen a TR for the 748 otherwise I'd have given it. I've not been active much of late (RW intervention) but I'll nip over and see what can be sorted ;)

Brian.. definitely no PM received for the 748 but I've allocated a training rating for you. ;)


DaveB B)smk

Re: type rating

Posted: 09 May 2010, 16:09
by spot
Hi, thanks for the speedy reaction to my plantiff cry.I see I got my TR. now.
Ill go and dust off my goggles.Thanks Dave..... :)

Re: type rating

Posted: 09 May 2010, 16:24
by DaveB
You're welcome Brian ;)

Just to try and avoid any non-delivery problems over at FSA.. feel free to post for TR's here in future (or PM either me, JohnP or Fraser direct here) :thumbsup:


DaveB B)smk

Re: type rating

Posted: 12 May 2010, 19:44
by spot
Thanks for that again Dave.Ihave already done my 6 TR flights.
When can I start my revenue flights,and can I just trasnfer to Cardiff for my base. :S
Im sorry but I messaged John by FSA about this before I read your last post. :hide:

Re: type rating

Posted: 12 May 2010, 20:15
by DaveB
No Problem Brian ;)

There are now 3 of us here who have the authority to issue TR's.. JohnP, me and Viscount Cornbank (Fraser) so feel free to ask either ;) I'm still finding the PM system fragile over there so if you've tried to get all 3 of us over there and have received no reply.. chances are the PM has failed (although you won't be notified). Best plan is to use here.. either in the open forum or via PM which will guarantee your request gets sorted asap ;)

I'll nip over now and allocate a full rating for you :thumbsup:

EDIT.. Brian, further to my last.. should you want the Andover/780 too, give us a shout and you'll get this automatically. I used to give the 780 straight away but thinking about it, it gives you one more type to stay current with and you may not want to fly it anyway :) For us here, the 780 is a very welcome break for one main reason.. the vast majority of it's routes cover a large percentage of RAF stations in the UK (and a few in Europe) and we'd never get to fly to these under normal 'civvie' ops ;)


DaveB B)smk

Re: type rating

Posted: 13 May 2010, 13:55
by spot
HI Dave. thanks mate ill take the 780 TR. Your right , you dont get the chance to use
The Air Force bases very often . Another string to my bow
Ta muchly
Brian.. :cheers:

Re: type rating

Posted: 13 May 2010, 15:13
by DaveB
OK mate.. you have the 780 now too ;)


DaveB B)smk