Starting up the BAC 1-11 (One-Eleven)

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Starting up the BAC 1-11 (One-Eleven)

Post by DavidK »

Hi. I've recently started trying to stretch my wings beyond turboprops and my eye has fallen on the fine-looking BAC 1-11 (500). At present, I switch to it in-flight from another aircraft because...

...I can't start it up! I've tried following the start-up checklist provided in the documentation from both the model's preset condition and from cold, but have yet to see the APU to move from a START condition to RUN. Trying then to start the engines regardless doesn't (surprise surprise) work. The hydraulic pump fail lights for both engines stay lit whatever I try to do (having followed the checklist) but I'm guessing this is because there's no APU power.

I'm running the model in FSX -- might that be the source of the problem?

I have the strong feeling I'm still missing something obvious, so, if that's the case, I have a sheepish look prepared.


PS I tried searching for some clues here, so, again, if I've missed the answer, sorry!

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Re: Starting up the BAC 1-11 (One-Eleven)

Post by DispatchDragon »

Ill go fly it and see whats up


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Re: Starting up the BAC 1-11 (One-Eleven)

Post by NigelC »

The engine hydraulic pumps are engine driven so if the engine's not running they won't run. Aux pumps are electrically driven, I think.

Not tried the 1-11 on the dark side but as long as the battery is on then the APU master on and hit the start button and it should fire up automatically from there. Reset the APU Generator, open the Air Delivery Valve and crossfeed valve and you should be in position to start No2.

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Re: Starting up the BAC 1-11 (One-Eleven)

Post by MALTBY D »

Hi David
I don't think the 1-11 engine starting works in FSX. Doubt it's any fault on your part.


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Re: Starting up the BAC 1-11 (One-Eleven)

Post by Tarasdad »

Had the same problem in FSX, can't get the 1-11 started. Think it has to do with the difference in how FSX treats the starters and fuel feeds by combining functions rather than having them discrete. Kind of why I've spent the past few days rearranging things and creating two more FS2004 installs.

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Re: Starting up the BAC 1-11 (One-Eleven)

Post by DavidK »

Thanks for all the responses!

I'd forgotten about the simulator's autostart function (Ctrl+E), so I guess that's the next option to try. If it works, I'll compare the 1-11's state once its finished with the checklist, complete any switching / twiddling required, then make myself a custom "Ctrl+E startup" checklist.

I'd say "fingers crossed", except I'll probably need them for the knob-twiddling and certainly for the amended checklist. Meanwhile, I've put the sheepish look away until next time.


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Re: Starting up the BAC 1-11 (One-Eleven)

Post by Garry Russell »

The auto-start does not work in FS9 ....the starting code overrides that and only one engine will start. :worried:

I can't see that FS.X will be any better

A lot of addons that have their own manual starting will not start with CTRL E, the reason that there is a rapid start function on some to replace the default command. :)


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Re: Starting up the BAC 1-11 (One-Eleven)

Post by DavidK »

Happily, the Ctrl+E autostart does appear to work in FSX -- at least, both engines are steady at 55% or so about a minute after pressing Ctrl+E, with the thrust indices remaining at 153 throughout.

At this point, with reference to the startup checklist, the following items appear to remain:
  • Reset APU generator;
    APU air delivery: Open;
    APU air crossfeed: Open;
    Aircon master knobs: APU (when switched (from open) to APU, one or both the master valve lights above illuminate);
    No smoking and seatbelt signs: On;
    Emergency lights: Armed;
    Nav lights: On;
    Air isolation valves: Open (which extinguishes any master valve lights illuminated above);
    Aircon master knobs: Closed (which illuminates both master valve lights above);
    Engine top temp switches: On;
    Reset engine generators;
    Aircon master knobs: APU (which extinguishes both master valve lights above).
According to the end of the Overhead panel section in the manual, the air system, smoking/seatbelt light and emergency light settings (among a few others) don't affect the simulator, so I assume anything relating to them in the list above can be removed. This leaves:
  • Reset APU generator;
    APU air delivery: Open;
    APU air crossfeed: Open;
    Nav lights: On;
    Engine top temp switches: On;
    Reset engine generators.
If the "APU air" items refer to the aircon system, presumably these too may be skipped. I then have the feeling that resetting the APU and engine generators isn't necessary. Removing these actions, therefore, leaves:
  • Nav lights: On;
    Engine top temp switches: On.
In other words, if all the reasoning above is correct, there's only two actions required to complete the startup in FSX once Ctrl+E has the
engines running: switch on the Nav lights and Engine top temp monitors. Does this sound correct?


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Re: Starting up the BAC 1-11 (One-Eleven)

Post by WhisperJet »

As far as I'm concerned autostart wont work from Cold&Dark modus - however if you only shut down the engines (for a break somewhere) leaving the APU running and without switching anything on the hydraulics panel, autostart (CTRL E) will work fine.

Cheers, :)

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Re: Starting up the BAC 1-11 (One-Eleven)

Post by Garry Russell »

All I get with autostart is one engine started and the other just cycling through the starter

However sometime the first engine won't start and very occasionally the second engine will eventually start but to all intents and purposes it doesn't work for me and never has *-)


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