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Longest 748 flight yet

Posted: 02 Nov 2010, 00:00
by Tarasdad
Yesterday I decided to fly CBFS7002, Gatwick to Lourdes (LFBT). Turned out to be a very nice, pleasantly boring flight. Takeoff and landing were a bit more interesting since both ends were in total VFR conditions. As a result I wasn't able to get any usable pics except during the middle of the flight.

G-BOHY looking gorgeous, as always

Another look

Patchy fog down below for the entire trip

Office shot (I never knew there were sun shades, as long as I've been flying the 748)

Takeoff from Gatwick was totally uneventful, simply lifted off and popped out on top of the fog at about 2000. At Lourdes it was patch fog all the way from 2500AGL down, mixed with light rain. Made for a bit more tension on final than normal due to the runway not being lit and no approach lights. Even so it was a fairly straightforward visual short final to a nice, smooth touchdown. (BTW the numbers shown on the flight record for touchdown speed are a bit off - I was showing about 200FPM descent when I touched down, plenty fast to punch through the water layer, not fast enough to get more than minor grumbles from the cabin crew.)

Re: Longest 748 flight yet

Posted: 02 Nov 2010, 00:31
by DaveB
:lol: :lol:

Ah.. Landor. Loved by some, hated by many :lol: I'm one of the 'some' not the 'many' as far as Landor is concerned though I have to admit.. it doesn't suit the 748 as well as it does say, the One-Eleven (hides for cover) :hide:


DaveB B)smk

Re: Longest 748 flight yet

Posted: 02 Nov 2010, 05:09
by Tarasdad
Landor happens to be my favorite BA scheme of all. Very classy and elegant. Then again I tend to favor more structured liveries, like the Delta Widget or Eastern Airlines (US).

Re: Longest 748 flight yet

Posted: 05 Nov 2010, 12:25
by Metalmaster
the 748 sure looksnice and well built......have this one in 1:200 too ;)