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Happy Birthday ChrisHunt(53) today 4.11.11

Posted: 03 Nov 2011, 23:58
by DaveB
Hope you have a good one Chris :hello: You share a birthday with my dad who, had he have lasted a few months more would have been 84yo on this very day ;)

In the Vulcan vernacular.. live long and prosper :thumbsup:

:guinn: :cheers: :party:

DaveB B)smk

Re: Happy Birthday ChrisHunt(53) today 4.11.11

Posted: 04 Nov 2011, 00:01
by Garry Russell
All the best Chris :rock: :guinn: :cheers: :party:

Re: Happy Birthday ChrisHunt(53) today 4.11.11

Posted: 04 Nov 2011, 04:44
by Paul K
Happy Birthday Chris. :cheers:

Re: Happy Birthday ChrisHunt(53) today 4.11.11

Posted: 04 Nov 2011, 07:06
by DaveG
Happy birthday Chris :cheers:

Re: Happy Birthday ChrisHunt(53) today 4.11.11

Posted: 04 Nov 2011, 07:27
by Filonian
Have a great day Chris, with many more to come :cheers: :party: :guinn:


Re: Happy Birthday ChrisHunt(53) today 4.11.11

Posted: 04 Nov 2011, 10:45
by Tomliner
Enjoy your day Chris.EricT :thumbsup: :cheers: :guinn:

Re: Happy Birthday ChrisHunt(53) today 4.11.11

Posted: 04 Nov 2011, 14:58
by ChrisHunt
:lol: Many thanks all :) Celebrated by taking the day off! Amongst other things got one of those indoor helicopter jobbies - not tried yet, currently charging; IR control which could be interesting. Also got BF3 but that of course is a horse of a very different colour (or something like that).

Thinking of doing a swap to a summer month, not that that guarantees good weather, but a good way to lose 6 months :lol:


Re: Happy Birthday ChrisHunt(53) today 4.11.11

Posted: 04 Nov 2011, 15:52
by DaveB
:lol: :lol: :lol:

If only it were that easy Chris :lol:

Let us know how you get on with BF3 ;) I've just finished re-visiting CoD2 as it happens. Nothing like a good shoot-em-up to release those pent up frustrations :)

DaveB B)smk

Re: Happy Birthday ChrisHunt(53) today 4.11.11

Posted: 04 Nov 2011, 21:54
by ChrisHunt
Dave BF3 = rubbish single player but great multiplayer. One problem for us (relative) oldies is that with substantially better graphics, e.g. more stuff on display, it gets much harder to spot the people you are supposed to shoot - usually some time after they've seen (and shot) you! Getting better but am an honorary American (lots of Blue on Blue action) - not really (the American bit) but you get the drift. One thing on multiplayer... having learned the lessons from BF2 I am much more chilled - getting killed no problem, bunny hopping - if that's your thing so be it. This attitude, you will realise, is entirely born out of necessity :lol: .


Re: Happy Birthday ChrisHunt(53) today 4.11.11

Posted: 04 Nov 2011, 22:09
by nigelb
Happy Birthday Chris!

:cheers: :guinn:
