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Living Medical!!!!

Posted: 30 Jan 2012, 10:26
by Nigel H-J
Hi Chaps, :hello: as you remember I was booked in for an operation on my spine 2 December 2011,unfortunately did not get around to having it as instead, 5 days before admittance, things went a bit pear shaped and I suffered a heart attack!!!!! :doh:

Spent four days in hospital being well looked after by our wonderful and (very) pretty nurses!!!! :excited: Going back to work next week but only on a 3 day week for 3 weeks before back to full time. Have to say I feel extremely well apart from getting out of breath which is normal (I have been told) but just rattle a bit more than I used to due to the amount of pill popping I have to do!!!! :lol:

Only downside to all of this is that I am still in acute pain from me trapped nerves in me back!!!! :( Cannot have the operation now until I see my heart consultant in 2 weeks and hopefully he will give me the green light to go ahead with the op, in the meantime I will not be making many trips down to the library but will come back here when I can!! :thumbsup:

Kind regards

Re: Living Medical!!!!

Posted: 30 Jan 2012, 10:44
by DaveB
Hi Nige :hello:

That's extremely bad planning on your bodies part :lol: Glad you've recovered from the HA though ;) Nice as the nurses are, I've found hospital food is as good an incentive as any to get well :lol: Never mind.. you'll get there in the end :thumbsup:

DaveB B)smk

Re: Living Medical!!!!

Posted: 30 Jan 2012, 10:53
by Nigel H-J
Hi Dave :hello: Many thanks for your kind reply and yes....the hospital food got me better far quicker than the medication did I can tell you!!! :hide: :lol: :lol:

Kind regards

Re: Living Medical!!!!

Posted: 30 Jan 2012, 11:24
by Filonian
Hang in there Nigel, and good luck.


Re: Living Medical!!!!

Posted: 30 Jan 2012, 11:45
by Tomliner
Best wishes for a full recovery(eventually!) Nigel. :agree: EricT

Re: Living Medical!!!!

Posted: 30 Jan 2012, 12:38
by DelP
The things people do to get attention 8)

Take care Nigel, best wishes and get well soon :thumbsup:

Derek ;)

Re: Living Medical!!!!

Posted: 30 Jan 2012, 17:09
by GHD
Best wishes Nigel, here's some music to cheer you up :rock:

Re: Living Medical!!!!

Posted: 30 Jan 2012, 20:05
by Paul K
Its times like this when you offer up a prayer of thanks for the NHS. All the best Nigel, and get well soon ! :thumbsup:

Re: Living Medical!!!!

Posted: 30 Jan 2012, 20:11
by Swanoir
Hope your simming arm isn't affected? All the best mate.

Re: Living Medical!!!!

Posted: 30 Jan 2012, 20:24
by speedbird591
Crikey, mate! Sorry to hear about all your aches and pains. You must be in a right old state!

It sounds like you're on the road to recovery from the new problem and can look forward to getting the old one finally sorted out. Poor old bugger.

I hope it's all sorted out soon and you can get out jogging :agree:

Ian :)