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Sounds missing in Trident

Posted: 03 Apr 2012, 11:47
by eskil
I've downloaded and installed the good old Trident, including the Dave Evans modifications for FSX. It works beautifully, except for one thing: the sounds that you are supposed to be able to toggle with an icon (AUTO12, DECIDE, RADIO500, and so on) aren't working.
What can I do to remedy this?

Re: Sounds missing in Trident

Posted: 03 Apr 2012, 12:47
by DaveB
Hi eskil and welcome :hello:

I don't fly the Tridents in FSX I'm afraid but there are many here who do. I'm not sure if anyone has the 'Dave Evans' FSX mods file so it's difficult to comment on something that didn't originate from here. Hopefully, one of the FSXers will be along to advise even though we don't support 'outside' modifications ;)

DaveB B)smk

Re: Sounds missing in Trident

Posted: 03 Apr 2012, 13:58
by eskil
Thanks for your quick reply, Dave!
I thought that the Evans modifications were necessary in order to make the Trident work in FSX. David Maltby's homepage, where you download the aircraft, mentions the need for a change of the path for the sounds, and I think I have managed that.
Hoping for someone to guide me...



Re: Sounds missing in Trident

Posted: 03 Apr 2012, 16:01
by DaveB
Hello Mate..

No, not necessarily. Whatever else is done to the Trident, it remains a 'port-over' until such time as DM compiles it using the FSX SDK. Certain things like engine smoke changed with FSX.. the same smoke files will work I think but the coordinates changed.. that is, the way FSX see's them 8) Other than by doing things like this and adding FSX style cfg entries.. thumbnails.. that sort of thing, the Trident works in FSX pretty much as it did in FS9. I often wonder what folk have done when they release 'FSX Modifications' *-)
Fingers crossed one of the troops here comes along soon ;)
DaveB B)smk

Re: Sounds missing in Trident

Posted: 03 Apr 2012, 16:05
by Garry Russell
DaveB wrote: I often wonder what folk have done when they release 'FSX Modifications' *-)
Nothing at all to the model, so in effect they have not modified it to FS.X, just made some cfg changes and stuff like that.

Re: Sounds missing in Trident

Posted: 03 Apr 2012, 16:19
by DaveB
Indeed mate ;) I'll have a look on DM's site and see what he advises for FSX sounds on the Trident :)

DaveB B)smk

Re: Sounds missing in Trident

Posted: 03 Apr 2012, 16:32
by Garry Russell
Good idea mate


Hi :hello:

Just check that whatever the file path you have used is pointing to where it should

Sometime paths are changed as advised but for whatever reason the file is not where it should be, if it's not, it might no matter just as long as it's pointed to.

Just a thought :)

Re: Sounds missing in Trident

Posted: 03 Apr 2012, 16:34
by DanKH
Listen to a good advice ... stay away from Mr. Evans "fixings" ...... 8)

Re: Sounds missing in Trident

Posted: 03 Apr 2012, 16:44
by Garry Russell
Thank's Dan

It is true that most of these 'experts' should be avoided :worried:

Re: Sounds missing in Trident

Posted: 03 Apr 2012, 17:58
by DaveB
Hi eskil :)

Sri it's taken me a while.. my dinner turned up! :lol:

OK.. I downloaded the latest files from DM's site just to make sure we were seeing the same things. Things to note.. my install isn't exactly default.. I don't put port-overs in the Simobjects/Airplanes folder, I made an Aircraft folder to house them so everything in Airplanes is native.. everything not native goes in Aircraft :) I added the texture files to the aircraft I looked at (BEA T3).. these are all $VC files.. changed the SMOKESYSTEM as advised and the rest went into DMFS Shared Files. In my case, this was in the Aircraft folder and not Airplanes as you should do. Oh.. there are substitute FSX files which I also used :)
Now.. for me to hear the extra sounds, I had to change the cfg files (all of them including sound.ini) to show I'd put them in Aircraft not Airplanes and from that moment on.. it's all worked fine.

Doing a straight out of the box install into FSX.. the only thing you'd have to do if you had no other DM models would be to ensure the DMFS Shared files folder went into Simobjects/Airplanes and make sure the 2 Panel folders go in there (plus docs).. put the textures from the texture folder into each of your FS paints and change the SMOKESYSTEM entry as advised. Mine didn't work quite like that because I used a different folder but yours should :) If it doesn't.. make sure you've done above as in para 2. The sound files need to be in the right place for them to be found. If they're not, you won't hear them.. obvious I know ;)
DaveB B)smk