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how much detail is required in a model

Posted: 05 Oct 2012, 16:52
by dougs
hi i was wondering how much detail comes into play when building a model at what point do you stop modeling and start painting details on. Obviously it will eventually come down to how fast the model will draw itself in the flight sim?

Re: how much detail is required in a model

Posted: 05 Oct 2012, 23:25
by DaveB
Hi Dougs..

It's a bit of everything really. You can continue modelling up to what level you want and what can be compiled. There is also, as you mention, a problem of what system will be able to run the detail when it's finished. The most highly detailed model in the world will be great for the few able to run it but of little use to anyone else :) I think it's important to get certain things right.. engine intakes that should be round and LOOK round.. wheels that should be round and LOOK round. Getting basics like that right go a long way to making the rest of the model look good.

At the end of the day.. the choice is down to you but with the proviso that whatever you do will not be enough for some. As the old saying goes.. there's always one :lol:
DaveB B)smk

Re: how much detail is required in a model

Posted: 06 Oct 2012, 07:03
by dougs
Thanks thats about the same conclusion i had come to :thumbsup:

Re: how much detail is required in a model

Posted: 06 Oct 2012, 07:59
by Dev One
If using Gmax & makemdl there is a first stage limit of bits it can handle - I find its a mixture of polys as well as animation - this is the so called 64k limit when exporting to a .mdl. There is a way around it though & it seems very laborious which is why I've not attempted it yet.
Good luck in your creations

Re: how much detail is required in a model

Posted: 06 Oct 2012, 11:10
by Garry Russell
TBH, most deatail is better modelled like all the lumps and bumps, aerials etc.

If an interior is visible as in a freighter then the ribs etc can be texture but are best modelled, but, for FS.9 you hit the 64K limit which is nothin g to do with Gmax it is a makemdl limit...I use FSDS and it is a problem for me.

I do use the poly bust work around but it's not without specific issues like perticular order the model parts must be in and z buffer issues tied in with that.

But modelled detail is really the only way forwards as few systems nowadays are so small not to handle things and they are getting bigger so pointless limiting work to old fashioned ideas of system power.

Basically, in my opinion, if you need to ask yourself if something can be textured instead of built then it should be built as really you are trying to convince yourself to cut corners that shouldn't or needn't be cut.