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Diverted Landing in VHHH

Posted: 19 Nov 2012, 15:27
by Vc Ten
Hi All
flying to Hong Kong (VHHX) This is disused in FSX and a night landing is a no no (Hard enough in a 747 in the daytime) :lol: After one unsuccesful approach I elected to divert to the new airport VHHH. No problems Landed ok and Client gave me a forwarding flight to VHHX Checking the stats on the va page on the client it seems the finances are wrong Even allowing that Business and first class dont get a refund?? it still shows a profit of $57K my calcs show around -$38k On the forwarding leg you get the profit from economy class but also business and first again?? Not used divert for a while but it always gave you a minus figure for the diverted leg You then made some of it back up on completing the flight to your final destination. Have a feeling its to do with the seat configurer?? *-)

Re: Diverted Landing in VHHH

Posted: 19 Nov 2012, 15:36
by DaveB
Hi Dale :hello:

You might be right about the seating. It should show a minus for the diversion if they've not fiddled around with it and this kinda made sense. If you didn't take fuel, you could pretty much earn what was listed for the original flight.. the major loss being in fuel remaining onboard.. you'd make on the extra descent but lose on 2 takeoffs.

What we need I guess is an aircraft that's correctly setup rather than suffer the pigs ear we get as default. At least then, we'd be able to see if were the seating causing it or something else *-) I've not diverted for a while but I'm tempted to give it a go just to see what happens.

DaveB B)smk