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Reinstating lapsed FSA accounts

Posted: 14 Aug 2013, 11:34
by DaveB
Hi Chaps :hello:

Just a cautionary note re letting your FSA account lapse. Over the last couple of months, I've had a couple of pilots ask for their accounts to be reinstated at FSA which have lapsed due RW intervention. I was successful getting the first request dealt with but the second has fallen on stoney ground. The pilot (Mike Nicholls) had been in touch with FSA separately and I had been in touch with them later. It took a week for my PM to be read then it was ignored.
I guess Mike could have reapplied to CBFS as a new pilot and he'd have been accepted but in the interim.. he applied for another airline.. still in the hope his CBFS/FSA account would/could be reinstated. This is by the by and I've no issue with Mike wanting to fly ;)

The main message is that FSA now seem reluctant to reinstate lapsed accounts so please ensure you 'clock in' once every 3 months to keep it active. Should you let the FSA system 'kick' you (for whatever reason).. the chances of your account being recovered are slim.

DaveB B)smk

Re: Reinstating lapsed FSA accounts

Posted: 14 Aug 2013, 15:38
by fighterpilot
Thanks for the Heads up Dave


Re: Reinstating lapsed FSA accounts

Posted: 19 Aug 2013, 16:23
by Benedettini
I suppose it should be kick-out from VA instead account removal, which is very rude. I wouldn't think its BIG issue if they still hold those accounts inside, even inactive.
Stupid procedure out there anyway. :rant:

Re: Reinstating lapsed FSA accounts

Posted: 19 Aug 2013, 19:44
by DaveB
By and large, I agree Gokalp. I can understand them wanting to keep their database 'trim' but in the grand scale of things.. 3 months isn't long and as you say.. if the data is still available, what's the problem! I guess it's fair to say that they send out a warning email and if the email address given to them is 'active'.. it shouldn't be a problem to login over there which is all it takes to keep your account active.

Happy birthday by the way :hello: :cheers:

DaveB B)smk

Re: Reinstating lapsed FSA accounts

Posted: 19 Aug 2013, 21:58
by TSR2
If we assume the servers are in the EU then they will be subject to data protection rules, so they probably have to delete the data.

Re: Reinstating lapsed FSA accounts

Posted: 20 Aug 2013, 08:52
by DaveB
Hi Ben :hello:

If that's the case, then why not say so :dunno: We (as a VA) haven't had too many requests for reinstatement in the grand scale of things though I appreciate we're not the only VA at FSA. If this is the way they wish to operate, then fine. What I object to is no warning that they were suddenly going to stop reinstating lapsed accounts AND being ignored.. not so much as a by your leave! :|

DaveB B)smk

Re: Reinstating lapsed FSA accounts

Posted: 20 Aug 2013, 09:13
by TSR2
I don't disagree mate, its a bit cheeky of them and no mistake. ;)

Re: Reinstating lapsed FSA accounts

Posted: 19 Oct 2013, 08:39
by Tarasdad
Even though I am no longer active I still keep my FSA account live. I haven't given up the idea of returning to active flight status yet. By now I had hoped to have a better control setup (CH or Saitek yoke, throttle, pedals) as my joystick (Cyborg EVO) is getting a bit old. Not being able to replace it is one of the things keeping me from flying.

Re: Reinstating lapsed FSA accounts

Posted: 19 Oct 2013, 08:46
by DaveB
Hi Barry :hello:

While you continue to do that.. you're safe ;) I never did get a reply from Joe Fremont at FSA which is just plain rude as much as anything else so I won't be trying again.

DaveB B)smk