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Only England

Posted: 12 Nov 2013, 10:55
by Garry Russell
Collection of pics from the late 1960's early things have changed

Re: Only England

Posted: 12 Nov 2013, 11:19
by Filonian
Thanks for posting Garry. Pure nostalgia - and a cuppa for 2 1/2p *-)


Re: Only England

Posted: 12 Nov 2013, 11:29
by Airspeed
You're not wrong, Garry!
That's within our own lifetimes *-)
Thanks for the link. :thumbsup:

Re: Only England

Posted: 12 Nov 2013, 11:40
by Garry Russell
Yes...I remember things being simpler, lack of barriers and signs and things being quite old fashioned looking by todays standard. Here it is surprising to be reminded how run down thing were...still not caught up from the war in some cases and how poor and lacking ordinary working folk were.

Locally, few had telephones or cars, some roads ran out of surface into rough tracks and the harbour was almost empty of pleasure boats.

Now it's bustling, crowded and quite oppressive.

I knew many old folks like the lady shown, many were widows who lost loved ones in 1914-18 and they always dressed the same day to day and had a much prized 'Sunday best'.

In fact the term "Chapel hat" was often used to describe such an outfit.

Re: Only England

Posted: 12 Nov 2013, 12:01
Some more depressing news which angered me this morning :(( ... nkett.html

Re: Only England

Posted: 12 Nov 2013, 13:10
by Harry Basset
The Chattering Classes will move heaven and earth to assist the Roma as the influx will not impinge on their idyllic existence.

Re: Only England

Posted: 12 Nov 2013, 16:16
by Tomliner
I would extend this to include the whole of the UK which ,along with other European countries ,is being affected by a gigantic social engineering project by the unelected self serving bureaucrats in Brussels to subsume national identities in the belief that it will prevent future wars in Euorope.What the idiots don't realise is that conflicts based on nationalism will be replaced by those based on ethnic differences.However somehow I suspect those responsible will neither be affected by it nor answerable for it. :rant: EricT

Re: Only England

Posted: 12 Nov 2013, 18:43
by Garry Russell
They only think of themselves whatever the subject.

Like those bosses who make themselves richer by sourcing production outside the country and in doing so take away the lively hoods of masses of people. Then demonise them for not having a job.

When the excrement hits the ventilation system, they are long gone or if it goes wrong during their tenure, retired with bonuses.

Re: Only England

Posted: 12 Nov 2013, 19:36
Some very valid points fellas. Couldn't agree more. :agree:

It would indeed be very rewarding to see these families housed within a suburb of the politicians.

Or even better. The ones who came up with the idea could utilise one of their many bedrooms and let them reside with them.

What a good idea. :welldone:

Wonder if that's been suggested. *-)

Re: Only England

Posted: 12 Nov 2013, 21:51
by nigelb
"How can I be henpecked if I wasn't married"

:lol: Good point!
