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FCS Lancaster navigation panel

Posted: 08 Jan 2014, 23:20
by andrewjroscoe
In case anyone is interested, here are some small modifications to the FCS (First Class Simulations) Lancaster panel.cfg which I have been tinkering with. It is a compromise between trying to keep an authentic look and style, but also allowing navigation using VOR1 and ADF1, and doing instrument landings in zero visibility. Also, there are some extra switches which I find handy and aren't available on any of the default panels or 3D cockpit.

On the FCS Lancaster, there is a beatiful CDI on the 3D panel keyed to NAV1 which can work with VORs. However, although you can tune NAV1 using the blue knobs and switches at the radio operators station (Shift-7) you have no idea what the OBS course is (you can use the Shift-V and +- keys but there is no indicator of what setting you make) so it almost impossible to use it as it is. There is also a beautiful RMI for NAV1 on the "Shift-1" 2D panel, but mostly I fly with the 3D panel and its not visible. There is also no ADF available which is useful for navigating to those smaller airports without resorting to the GPS (which is handy but looks a bit out of place in the Lancaster?).

On the new panel (Shift-9) there is
- a copy of the nice Lancaster RMI keyed to NAV1
- a nice simple RMI keyed to ADF1 which I took from the Beaver
- a slightly modern but useful HSI keyed to NAV1, taken from the Mooney. Its handy for ILS landings, setting OBS for NAV1, and also the "Heading Bug" can be used to set a course for autopilot.
- a nice simple autopilot taken from the Maule
- a DME indicator for NAV1
then 4 switches I find very handy
- so you can turn fuel pumps on before landing (without having to dodge around to the engineers panel when you're on final)
- so you can turn landing light on/off and see its status, ditto
- so you can turn on pitot heat and see its status (necessary in winter I find)
- ditto for carb heat (listed as prop heat) - this is needed in winter also

There are also some small mods to the radio operators panel, so you can tune ADF1 and also set a squawk if you are flying IFR. There's a clock and a thermometer there too.

Below are the bits I adjusted. There are lots of commented out bits which are the original entries and some of my experiments. You can strip those out if you like. I wanted to use the dual RMI from the DC3 and also the Sperry Autopilot, but the DC3 RMI also required the whole DC3 radio panel to be added which seemed excessive. Also, The Sperry attitude hold seems to have some kind of a bug and always nosed down in the Lancaster.

To put this in, just copy these bits over the relevant sections (Window06 to Window08) of the Airplanes/FCS_lancaster_BI/panel/panel.cfg. I think this changes the panels on all the Lancasters, which are aliased to this single file. You will also need to copy the cabinet files:
from their Aircraft/panel directories to FCS_lancaster_BI/panel/ directory.


Code: Select all

window_size= 0.630, 0.470   //Area of screen it actually occupies
//window_size= 0.630, 0.750   //Area of screen it actually occupies
window_pos= 0.000, 0.000

gauge00=FCS_Lancaster!Lanc_TXRX_com1a,  228,125,63,63
gauge01=FCS_Lancaster!Lanc_TXRX_com1b,  510,129,62,62
gauge02=FCS_Lancaster!Lanc_TXRX_comswitch,  452,174,58,29
gauge03=FCS_Lancaster!Lanc_TXRX_disp,  315,442,158,42
gauge04=FCS_Lancaster!Lanc_TXRX_nav1a,  228,200,65,65
gauge05=FCS_Lancaster!Lanc_TXRX_nav1b,  508,34,65,65
gauge06=FCS_Lancaster!Lanc_TXRX_navswitch,  459,84,44,43

// AJR Additions //
gauge07=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio ADF,        25,135,180, 60
gauge08=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio Xpndr,      25,195,180, 75
gauge09=Cessna172!Clock,                                65,300,100,100


window_size= 0.500, 0.553
window_pos= 0.010, 0.440

gauge00=fs9gps!gps_500,  0,0,400,332

//window_size= 0.126, 0.020
//window_pos= 0.860, 0.020

//gauge00=FCS_Lancaster!Lanc_CP,  0,0,161,19

// 0,0,0 seems to make it transparent
// Any other number is a solid panel
gauge01=FCS_Lancaster!radio_compass,                      0,  0, 100, 100
//gauge02=Douglas_DC3!radio_compass,                      100,  0, 100, 100
gauge02=DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2!rmi,                    100,  0, 100, 100
//gauge03=CessnaWAlpha!VOR1_Alpha,                        200,  0, 100, 100
//gauge04=Cessna!Heading_Indicator,                       295,  0, 100, 100
//gauge03=Maule_M7_260C!hsi,                              200,  0, 100, 100
gauge03=Mooney_Bravo!HSI,                               200,  0, 100, 100
gauge04=Maule_M7_260C!autopilot,                        300,  0, 100, 100

gauge05=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio DME,        400,  0, 136,  40

gauge06=Mooney_Bravo!Boost Pump,                        400, 40,  34,  60
gauge07=Mooney_Bravo!Landing Lights,                    434, 40,  34,  60
gauge08=Mooney_Bravo!Pitot Heat,                        468, 40,  34,  60
// This actually does Carb heat
gauge09=Mooney_Bravo!Prop DeIce,                        502, 40,  34,  60

//gauge11=magnetic_compass!Magnetic-Compass,              536,  0, 100, 100
//gauge02=CessnaWAlpha!ADF_Alpha,                         100,  0, 100, 100
//The Mooney switches are better and individually usable
//gauge08=Cessna182s!Switches,                            410, 70,121, 30
//gauge06=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio AP,         400, 40,150, 60
//Dont need Nav lights these are on the pilots left hand side
//gauge12=Mooney_Bravo!Navigation Lights,                 740,  23,  34,  54
//This was just to remove speed ambiguity
//gauge13=Cessna172!Airspeed,                               0, 0,50, 50
// Sperry Autopilot attitude hold doesn't seem to work on Lanc
//gauge04=Douglas_DC3!sperry_autopilot_compass,           300,  0, 100, 100
//gauge05=Douglas_DC3!sperry_autopilot_ahi,               400,  0, 100, 100

Re: FCS Lancaster navigation panel

Posted: 09 Jan 2014, 00:30
by DaveB
Thanks for this Andrew.. I'm sure many here will appreciate it :thumbsup:

DaveB B)smk

Re: FCS Lancaster navigation panel

Posted: 02 Apr 2014, 12:55
by David Chester
As you probably know, I was responsible for some of this aircraft. Dan and I would love to remodel it with our 2014 skills but as we did this aircraft for First Class...

Maybe one day.

I am aware of the short-comings of this aircraft and would like to put forward in our defence that we were pushed very hard to get this to market before any of us were happy with it. We did subsequently release a service pack but still there are things which are missing, like the lack of proper navigational equipment as you mentioned. I personally hate the way the radio works an to me all the knobs do all the wrong things! :-)

FCS did, however, put a gentleman in touch with me who is making a cockpit replica for FSX based on our aircraft and he has asked me for some help with it.

Consequently I have tweaked some of Dan's 2D panels and I do have a rather nice BABS gauge written for the Saitek mini-panel if anyone is interested in it. The downer of course being that the Saitek panels cost about £110 but they are a superb piece of kit and with two knobs and 6 buttons you can use them to adjust OBS and HDG or whatever else you choose. Plus of course it comes with several basic gauges built in and some kind people have written other gauges for it, for example a proper Bendix HSI and a full glass cockpit primary display. I've also done a few for it myself.

If anyone would like the code for the Saitek Pro Flight Instrument Panel please send me a PM or email and I will give it to you. picture below - sorry it's rather blurry.



Re: FCS Lancaster navigation panel

Posted: 13 Apr 2014, 18:15

First of all: Thank you very much for this update on the FCS Lancasters Avionics!
I have a problem with it. all of my electrics turns it self off after a while. Am I missing a switch for generators??

Kind Regards

Re: FCS Lancaster navigation panel

Posted: 03 Jun 2014, 09:51
I was missing some generator switches.
everything is OK now.

Kind Regards