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FCS Lancaster

Posted: 31 Jul 2014, 20:48
by Busterbvi
Greetings, i'm hoping you knowledgeable chaps can help me with a problem with the FCS Lancaster in FSX. Basically it barely moves ! When I get it all ready to go on the runway, power on, it just creeps forward as if the brakes are on but they are most definitely off. It is the boxed version and I have re-installed it a few times but it stays the same. Tried it with and without the patch, no luck. I tried contacting FCS customer support but no reply. Anybody have any ideas on what could be wrong ?

Thanks. Buster.

Re: FCS Lancaster

Posted: 31 Jul 2014, 21:01
by DaveB
Hi Buster :)

Which version have you installed? Are you FSX or FS9?

A patch was made available (which is still available) to cover some of it's bugs. Perhaps you need to install this. Details should be available at FCS :) If you can't find it.. I have the patch for the FSX model.

DaveB B)smk

Re: FCS Lancaster

Posted: 31 Jul 2014, 22:08
by Vancouver
I wonder that FCS have gone bye-bye, on I get

503 Service Unavailable
No server is available to handle this request.

Their FB page has not been updated since November 24, 2011 ... 5797603577

and Just Flight make no reference to any update ... imulations

Return to the Customer Service homepage
Lancaster - First Class Simulations
No Updates are available for this product
No FAQs are available for this product

Yet. I have a file called Lancaster_Patch_English.exe dated 2010/10/29, so I am supposing if anyone bought the JF Lanc recently that it is the fully patched one.

Re: FCS Lancaster

Posted: 31 Jul 2014, 22:23
by DaveB
That's the patch I have Alex. While it's possible the release model was subsequently patched for distribution.. somehow, I think it unlikely *-)

DaveB B)smk

Re: FCS Lancaster

Posted: 01 Aug 2014, 20:56
by Busterbvi
Dave.B. I have it in FSX. I tried the patch, no difference !

I seems that FCS are no more, it appears that they are now trading as Excalibur publishing. I think Mike Hambly is involved.

I tried emailing them for support a few times but no reply. Hence my post here.

Is the FCS Lanc the same as the JF one ?

Cheers. Buster.

Re: FCS Lancaster

Posted: 01 Aug 2014, 21:24
by DaveB
Hi Buster :hello:

Now.. let me think. Aeroplane Heaven released a Lancaster but as far as I can remember, that was for FS9 only. This, I think, is the JF Lancaster. The FCS Lancaster (which is also sold by JF) is marketed as FCS and comes with both FS9 and FSX versions (in one download).
I didn't realise FCS had gone by the wayside but now you mention it.. Excalibur rings a bell. All I can suggest is that you keep trying mate. A pain when this happens.. especially when none of the original team are available for comment.

EDIT: Buster.. this is clutching at straws but have you tried loading up with a default aircraft first then moving to the Lancaster?
Plus.. sri for not reading your original post thoroughly first. You said you were in FSX and had the patch.. I managed to miss that :wall:

EDIT#2.. I've just had a look at the FCS Lanc and it's default load is in excess of 600kg overweight.. it loads with full tanks and 6350kg in the bomb bay!! The end result is a painfully slow takeoff roll. Is this what you're seeing? It will.. left to it's own devices.. crawl into the air even though initially, it seems like it's going nowhere. It took almost all of the runway at Culdrose to takeoff with the default load (and I mean almost all)!! Try reducing the fuel load or even getting rid of the bombs and the performance will increase. Unfortunately, the model will also lift off the deck but that's another problem 8)

DaveB B)smk

Re: FCS Lancaster

Posted: 02 Aug 2014, 07:57
by rohan
Just to clarify that the FCS Lancaster is most definitely NOT the JF / Aeroplane Heaven Lancaster ...

Re: FCS Lancaster

Posted: 03 Aug 2014, 10:37
by Chris Sykes
yeah looks as FCS have gone pop as im wanting to reinstall the Lanc and I cannot even get to the serial website (should have saved that doh)...

Re: FCS Lancaster

Posted: 03 Aug 2014, 12:03
by Paul K
rohan wrote:Just to clarify that the FCS Lancaster is most definitely NOT the JF / Aeroplane Heaven Lancaster ...
I thought for one wonderful moment that there was another native FSX Lancaster - but the Aeroplane Heaven one is FS9 . :(
Oh well, I shall carry on living Lanc-less. Can't get the Plane Design one to work in P3Dv2. It crashes the sim, as does their Lancastrian.

Re: FCS Lancaster

Posted: 03 Aug 2014, 13:03
by Chris Sykes
Doh me being blind found my serial! I reinstalled to Prepar3d and mine works ok there...