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Hardware for FS

Posted: 30 Dec 2014, 11:15
by paul26may
I have been watching edetroit's Tristar videos on You Tube and was gobsmacked at the quality. He has also detailed the individual components in his set up and after researching each item it doesn't look as expensive as I thought it would be to get those kind of results. Is there a recent thread on here that suggests what to look for as I am seriously considering either building a machine of my own or having one made for me in 2015? :guinn: :guinn: :guinn: :guinn:

Re: Hardware for FS

Posted: 30 Dec 2014, 19:10
by Vancouver
Can't answer your Q at this time but I thought I would put his YT channel link in as he has been at this (making vids) for 8 years. Wow!

Re: Hardware for FS

Posted: 30 Dec 2014, 19:39
by paul26may
So I can see. The man's a genius!

Re: Hardware for FS

Posted: 31 Dec 2014, 07:39
by Vancouver
There are several good videos on YT that describe building a good "gaming" PC. I would always recommend a home build a) for experience b) the economy of it c) your choice in components. It is pretty straightforward and very satisfying.

A search of YT for the likes of NCIX, Newegg, Britec(h) sp? are but some of the suggestions. The last is a UK builder/techman. A lot depends on whether you are FS9 or FSX interested. FSX, P3D, X-Plane require powerful (read more expensive) machines to run them satisfactorily. So the cost outlay could be anything from $400 upwards. I will leave you to convert the prices. :-)