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Autoland and BAC 1-11

Posted: 02 Mar 2015, 16:34
by fran65
Hi all gentlemen, :)
I'm here with a question that doesn't make me sleep: B-) is there a chance to install "prime land" system in "no ED panel" BAC 1-11? :worried:
Thank you in advance! :thumbsup:

Re: Autoland and BAC 1-11

Posted: 04 Mar 2015, 08:16
by fran65
... er.... at this point I think I know the answer .... ;) ....or not?

Re: Autoland and BAC 1-11

Posted: 04 Mar 2015, 08:32
by adysmith
The BAC 1-11 never had autoland.

It must, in MSFS, be possible to fit such a system but it would be unrealistic.

Re: Autoland and BAC 1-11

Posted: 04 Mar 2015, 18:10
by Col1948
Can I stick my nose in on this thread please?
You say it would be unrealistic and yes it would but to be honest I'm terrible at flying, I tend to follow ai and do some spotting, I would love to be able to sit in the cockpit and listen to the ATC and watch the controls and learn from it, then slowly but surely I would have a go myself.
I know you only learn from practice but when I do practice I make a right mess of it and it deters me from having another go but this way it might encourage me, this is just my opinion.

Re: Autoland and BAC 1-11

Posted: 04 Mar 2015, 19:09
by Garry Russell
CBFS is about pure accuracy as far as can be done. Fiction has no place here :bandit:

Re: Autoland and BAC 1-11

Posted: 04 Mar 2015, 19:22
by Vc Ten
I think I am right in saying no one here will be modding a 200 panel 1-11 to the 510 autopilot. Why not just fly the 510 :dunno: As Ade points out, the prime land is not a full autoland anyhow, it just follows the glide slope more accurately There is no flare or throttles to idle. If you really need autoland then try out DMs Trident ;)

Re: Autoland and BAC 1-11

Posted: 05 Mar 2015, 08:18
by fran65
Hi all and thank you for answers! :hello:
you are all right, of course.

I did not ask an official mod of the panel, but some trick for a little self-made adjustment. :cpu:
I'm fine with the 200-400 panel and model, it has an autopilot intuitive and accurate (in my opinion....) and with an autoland system would be the best. But I know, it's fiction :bandit:
Dale, time ago I tried autoland with 510ed, maybe I do not remember so well but it seems to have flare and idle, as described here

Anyway thanks to all and have a good day! :thumbsup:

Re: Autoland and BAC 1-11

Posted: 05 Mar 2015, 20:10
by Vc Ten
Hi Fran, yes you are right. Not sure if I ever realised the aircraft could do that (even real world) :lol: but on the model, I'm fairly sure the throttles stay engaged after the touchdown May be an fsx thingy :dunno: Can see a 1-11 test flight on the horizon

Re: Autoland and BAC 1-11

Posted: 08 Mar 2015, 13:28
by petermcleland
I did a few autolands for real in the S-111 but at that time the AP would often give up and disconnect just after the flare...An uncomfortable moment to have to take control of an out of trim aeroplane!

Re: Autoland and BAC 1-11

Posted: 09 Mar 2015, 14:04
by fran65
petermcleland wrote:I did a few autolands for real in the S-111 but at that time the AP would often give up and disconnect just after the flare...An uncomfortable moment to have to take control of an out of trim aeroplane!
....and then the problem was "fixed"? :)