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Posted: 18 Feb 2016, 11:39
by Airspeed
Looks like we've had another drop-out of posts dated 18th February. :worried:

Re: O-Oh!

Posted: 18 Feb 2016, 13:10
by Molyned
Meaning ?? I've got posts here for today, the 18th including ones from your esteemed self, Mike. :thumbsup:
Cheers :cheers:
Dave M(oly)

Re: O-Oh!

Posted: 18 Feb 2016, 14:05
by airboatr
I. -Lobbed a round over your bow on the 17th and awaited your volley. ... But. Image nothing .

Perhaps you were napping and missed it..

Re: O-Oh!

Posted: 18 Feb 2016, 19:20
by Tomliner
I. -Lobbed a round over your bow on the 17th and awaited your volley. ... But. Image nothing .

Perhaps you were napping and missed i
Wriiten by Joe.
It might be that Mike has taken the hump over the contretemps after the the recent joke about the future president of the US. I can't imagine which numpty would have posted such a thing. :hide: EricT

Re: O-Oh!

Posted: 19 Feb 2016, 04:59
by Airspeed
Oh well, it seemed to me that there weren't as many posts there dated 18th compared to earlier in the day. Poor memory maybe? :dunno:

Joe, I saw that crack, thought people would be getting sick of me rattling on, so I left it. :-#

Anyhow, nobody can spoil my day now; Dave(M) put the word "esteemed" in the same paragraph as my name. :) :lol: (even if he was just being polite)

Re: O-Oh!

Posted: 19 Feb 2016, 05:37
by airboatr

Mike, Our beloved Ian Middleton sometimes felt the same .

And yet he was one of the best blokes that graced the forum.

I miss him so very much. Once in awhile something he'd said pops into my head and I have a laugh. He still can cheer me up.

... I'm always looking forward to your quirky comments..
Even if I don't always know what the world you're on about.


Now if you'll excuse me . It's, 0035 and I have to put my laundry in the dryer.

Re: O-Oh!

Posted: 19 Feb 2016, 05:51
by Tomliner
Joe, like you,and I suspect many others, I still miss Ian around here. The loss of Ian followed by Garry was has left us all the poorer.Their knowledge and wit were superb. R.I.P. to both of them. :(( EricT

Re: O-Oh!

Posted: 19 Feb 2016, 06:23
by airboatr
Indeed, Eric.

now for an episode of lost and found,
whilst folding my cloths , I found my Bluetooth headset, :'(

Re: O-Oh!

Posted: 19 Feb 2016, 08:57
by Dev One
Cloths or clothEs?

Re: O-Oh!

Posted: 19 Feb 2016, 10:50
by Airspeed
Probably loin cloths.
People with blue teeth are like that. ;)