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Age Concern

Posted: 21 Feb 2016, 17:33
by Paul K
According to new Chinese research, drinking beer can prevent degenerative brain diseases, which is ironic because next morning I usually feel like I've got one. ... imers.html

What with this and red wine being good for the heart, I think I need to up my weekly unit count. :guinn:

Re: Age Concern

Posted: 21 Feb 2016, 19:17
by Dev One
Maybe I need to swap my Talisker whisky for a hopped brew, but where in France does one get a bier brewed with hops rather than this watery tastless lager stuff?
Otherwise it continuation of my current Parkinson's medicine!

Re: Age Concern

Posted: 22 Feb 2016, 02:05
by Airspeed
Have you tasted Chinese beer?

Re: Age Concern

Posted: 22 Feb 2016, 02:27
by Paul K
Well I've tasted Anchor and Tiger beers in Singapore, and a Japanese lager named Kirin ( the genuine Kirin - not the imitation that's brewed for sale in Britain ). All of them were lovely, and if they weren't, they soon seemed so. ;)

Re: Age Concern

Posted: 22 Feb 2016, 07:35
by Jon.M
Tsingtau is a beer common in Chinese restaurants here. Tsingtau is the name of the town which was Germany's colony in China. Of course they built a German town with German style buildings, a school and of course a brewery.
They lost the colony as a result of the first world war. The fleet based there caused a lot of trouble at the start of the war (Battle of Coronel) until it was destroyed in the Battle of the Falkland Islands in 1914.
I've gone off topic all by myself 8), but my point was the Chinese learnt how to make lager from the Germans. I quite like Tsingtau beer even if it's not a pint of bitter it's better than most Italian beer. :party:


Re: Age Concern

Posted: 22 Feb 2016, 10:26
by Nigel H-J
Copied the text so that I can present it to the missus in the hope that our next weekly shop will fill the fridge full of my favourite brew! :guinn: :party:
