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'Ave a banana!

Posted: 21 Feb 2016, 19:59
by DaveG

P3dv3.1, UKMil Buccaneer.

Re: 'Ave a banana!

Posted: 21 Feb 2016, 20:16
by DaveB
She sure looks mean with those smart bangers ready to go :thumbsup:

DaveB B)smk

Re: 'Ave a banana!

Posted: 22 Feb 2016, 02:02
by Airspeed
Once again, I learn:
Origin of 'banana' !

VERY low viz national markings there.
The fore-aft ridges on the mainplanes....a later enhancement? I've only seen smooth surfaces.

Re: 'Ave a banana!

Posted: 22 Feb 2016, 02:25
by DaveB
That's a Gulf War 1 scheme Mike and that particular aircraft survives (in that livery) in a museum. Think it's at Duxford if the old grey matter is working.

The fore and aft lines on the upper wings are vortex generators.. a little over done if I may be so bold. The VG's themselves are small triangles designed to improve airflow around the boundary layer making low speed/high AoA control easier. On the paint above.. they're shown with lines of muck behind them giving the impression they're a lot bigger than they actually are :)
DaveB B)smk

Re: 'Ave a banana!

Posted: 22 Feb 2016, 10:07
by DaveG
Yeah, the dirt behind the VGs is a bit OTT. :lol: I still like the model though. I've been tweaking various bits in MCX to improve the overall look, although in that pic the bombs still need de-shining.

Re: 'Ave a banana!

Posted: 22 Feb 2016, 10:48
by DaveB
Yeah.. it's a nice model isn't it.. ripped from Strike Fighters I believe. I've never been 100% sure about the FD *-)

DaveB B)smk

Re: 'Ave a banana!

Posted: 22 Feb 2016, 18:34
by Aharon
wow it looks like photograph!

