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Meteor F.8/FR.9

Posted: 06 Oct 2016, 12:08
by RobDob

Re: Meteor F.8/FR.9

Posted: 06 Oct 2016, 13:50
by Airspeed
Got it.
Looks great to me!
Very lively performer, but it's bedtime now. :|

Re: Meteor F.8/FR.9

Posted: 06 Oct 2016, 15:29
by Paul K
Airspeed wrote: Very lively performer, but it's bedtime now. :|
So what you're saying is - you're not a lively performer at bedtime ?

Re: Meteor F.8/FR.9

Posted: 06 Oct 2016, 22:10
by DaveB
I'll be getting it very soon.. just got in from work and didn't have time to buy it before I went :lol:

DaveB B)smk

Re: Meteor F.8/FR.9

Posted: 07 Oct 2016, 00:07
by DaveB
Okey doh.. D/L.. installed and a quick 45min flight.

First impressions.. it's not half bad. I see a few micro-stutters and it's a little heavier on my old i5 than I'd like though not up there with the Tonka :lol: Quite a bit I like about it and a few things I'm not sure of. It seems very light to fly.. maybe too light. Those lovely FSX areas of turbulence have it bouncing about all over the shop. I've taken off a couple of times and it tends to leap off rather than lift off. Could be me. Not sure about the gear animation as the weight comes off. I like the AP.. HDG and ALT with a master switch. One channel can be selected too. Nice and simple ;) The Navs are CRAP!!!!! :wall: No engine smoke noted. A very simple load manager available on shift+3 where cold and dark, clean, tanks or rockets can be selected. No sign of wheel chocks when parked with the brakes on. Nice animated pilot figure.. NOW wearing an authentic Mk1a lid :thumbsup: Need a little more time in it to give a proper report but that'll have to wait. Oh.. and did I mention the navs are CRAP :lol:

At last.. this may be one model I'll spend some time in ;)
DaveB B)smk

Re: Meteor F.8/FR.9

Posted: 07 Oct 2016, 00:20
by ianjenm
Bought it, took it for a couple of test flights.
My thoughts as follows;
I'm not completely familiar with this aircraft so won't comment on whether rivets are correct lol! I've never flown anything more powerful than a Piper Arrow!
Its a nice model of the meteor and has the best vc of the limited amount of meteors available for fsx.
Appears to fly well, single engine out is noticeable with yaw as you would expect.
I think the machmeter is reading on the high side. Reading over .9M at altitude and on the deck at full throttle. Airspeed appears to be in the ball park for this sort of jet so think it is a gauge issue more than FDE issue. Have emailed JF about this.
The HP fuel cocks are moveable but appear to have no actual function in this model, the LP cocks do shut fuel flow.
Some of the switches in the cockpit are just eye candy and have no function.
No cabin pressure modelling, I believe most meteors had this with exception of the trainers.
For the price I think its worth the money!!

Re: Meteor F.8/FR.9

Posted: 07 Oct 2016, 07:18
by DaveG
I may pick this up over the weekend, not sure yet. :lol:
Re. The nav lights. I saw your post over at SoH Dave, & the reply given. As I don't have the model yet, this is a bit of a guess, the fx probably rely on a default texture (fx2.bmp or similar if memory serves). Some of their beta testers probably had modified versions installed which would account for the different appearance on different systems. :cpu:

Re: Meteor F.8/FR.9

Posted: 07 Oct 2016, 08:55
by DaveB
Hi Dave :hello:

The model calls navredh/greh and whih and yes.. these call fx_2.bmp. I've just checked mine and the active fx_2.bmp was dated 2007 so I nipped to my backup and swapped it for an original (2006) version. It looks (as you'd imagine) pretty much identical.. very much identical to the naked eye. It's possible that both files some of their beta testers had were swapped out/overwritten at some point as devs will sometimes modify default effects but not rename them. 8) Baz said that some users reported them too bright and others couldn't see them so gad knows what they had on their systems :lol:

DaveB B)smk

Re: Meteor F.8/FR.9

Posted: 07 Oct 2016, 09:36
by DaveG
I think REX may modify that file as well if you use the option to change airport runway lighting. 8)

Re: Meteor F.8/FR.9

Posted: 07 Oct 2016, 09:38
by ChrisHunt
Bought but not yet downloaded. Not a bad price to be honest. Looked briefly at the Hawk but I think I'll wait for a sale on that one - I've already got enough fast jets to be going on with and given the amount of flying I've not been doing I suspect the tires will need pumping up on most of them.