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Argonauts on the East Indies routes

Posted: 29 Apr 2017, 12:47
by Elvis Presley
I'm sorry I didn't know where else to post this. It is a route query and I'm sure whoever it may concern just loves hearing how about a route to somewhere from such and such, not.

Anway, this did strike me as a bit odd, at Bangkok just now and there is no route to Singapore from there. To Kai Tak, then Singapore, yes but that doesn't make any sense so I did a bit of research. I found this excerpt apparently from a '50s BOAC schedule for an Argonaut far East route:

BA 780

London 2130 Tu
Rome 0150/0250 We
Cairo 0930/1030 We
Basra 1600/1700 We
Karachi 0035/0235 Th
Delhi 0650/0750 Th
Calcutta 1140/1240 Th
Rangoon 1645 Th
.... nightstop
Rangoon 0800 Fr
Bangkok 1025/1125 Fr
Singapore 1600 Fr

This accords with my Air Ministry "Merchant Airmen" book published HMSO (1944, but they just carried on with the routes after the war as all the infrastucture was in place, convenient but probably not worth killing millions over but I digress).

Anyway, I'm sure its lots of work and besides whoever probably has very good reasons for the routes out of VTBD we have currently. FYI here is the link I read the route info, they seem like a pretty sincere bunch of guys and I don't see why whoever has the BOAC '50s timetables would have made it up, but then again, it is the interwebnet, which is why I have old books too


Re: Argonauts on the East Indies routes

Posted: 29 Apr 2017, 23:04
by DaveB
Hi Jim..

JohnP (RAF Quantum) made these routes up donkies years ago from the 'World Air Routes' series. This isn't to say an error wasn't made but these routes as with all our others are authentic or as authentic as possible within the confines of FSA :)
DaveB B)smk

Re: Argonauts on the East Indies routes

Posted: 30 Apr 2017, 00:07
by Elvis Presley
Ok thanks Dave I thought there would be a reason. Asides from me being a bit anal I mean

Re: Argonauts on the East Indies routes

Posted: 30 Apr 2017, 09:14
by DaveB
Nowt wrong with questioning things Jim ;)

As I said, this could be an error on John's part but equally.. there could be a reason why he did it that way. I know first hand that some of the older routes had to be modified because airports visited didn't (don't) exist in FS.. the default FS. Some airports were made for one sim (Fs9 for example) and added to the FSA database but not for FSX which gave us another problem 8) It's a nightmare out there!! :lol:
DaveB B)smk