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Can Horizon VFR X software be backed up?

Posted: 06 May 2017, 08:35
by DogTailRed2
Now that Horizon, makers of VFR X have gone I'm left with several installed downloads without any means to restore. :help: (never could get the online backup tool to work).
Is there a way that this software can be manually backed up and moved to another machine?
I rather not clone the disc as that will copy all the associated junk one gets over time.
I think from memory it is some of the trees updates and possible one of the extereme detailed islands (Alderney, Isle of Man of similar).
Fortunately I've found some fo the stuff still available on disc.

p.s. does anyone have Scotland Vol 7 that I could legally copy / purchase?
If copy happy to reimburse the original developer if he's still around?

p.p.s does Nothern Ireland come with the UK scenery or was that part missed from VFR X?


Re: Can Horizon VFR X software be backed up?

Posted: 06 May 2017, 09:04
by DaveB

What I do with GenX is have it on a different drive to FSX. I also keep a copy of my scenery.cfg with GenX installed so whenever I have to do a fresh install of FSX.. I simply swap out the new cfg for my backup (which is a fresh install plus GenX) and I'm good to go. Just the other thousand entries to add :lol: It saves the tedious task of having to throw all those DVD's at the pc followed (in my case) by the GenX ver 3 updates ;)

DaveB B)smk

Re: Can Horizon VFR X software be backed up?

Posted: 06 May 2017, 10:16
by DogTailRed2
Thanks Dave.
Can I infer from your response that there is no security, reg keys or anything involved.
I can just copy the data / drive (I think most of my scenery is on a second drive anyway) and remap it in fsx (or copy the scenery cfg file as you suggest?).
If that's the case I'll do that.

Re: Can Horizon VFR X software be backed up?

Posted: 06 May 2017, 10:31
by DaveG
That's the way I do it as well. When I moved over to P3d, I just added the relevant entries to the scenery.cfg. VFR GenX & ES stuff was already on a separate drive.

Re: Can Horizon VFR X software be backed up?

Posted: 06 May 2017, 10:32
by DaveB
Hi Ted,

As far as I remember, the codes were only for initial install and registration. You didn't have to register if you didn't want to. I actually installed them to drive F: in the first place (FSXA is on E:) so once they're on, they're on if that makes sense. I can't see any reason why they can't be backed up in the traditional sense. It's just scenery when all is said and done. DO keep a backup of your scenery.cfg though otherwise you'll be back at square one and adding this scenery manually to a cfg is enough to make your hair fall out :lol:

DaveB B)smk

Re: Can Horizon VFR X software be backed up?

Posted: 06 May 2017, 18:28
by DogTailRed2
Thanks Dave, I'll give it a go.