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UK AI Flightplans

Posted: 11 Jun 2017, 23:23
by TSR2
Hi Chaps,

I've been rooting around trying to find old AI flightplans, that were probably originally FS9 vintage, but I cant find them on the usual sites. I was pretty sure someone had done Flightplans for BAC Express, Emerald Airways and British Caledonian, but I cannot find them for love nor money. Has anyone any ideas where they might be, or even have a copy they could send me?

Re: UK AI Flightplans

Posted: 11 Jun 2017, 23:50
by DaveB
If they're not in the Members forum here Ben, have a look on WOAI. Scroll down and you'll find a fair whack of oldie airline plans :)


Re: UK AI Flightplans

Posted: 12 Jun 2017, 19:22
by TSR2
Hi Dave, I've been to all the usual haunts, but no joy. As an aside, I'm sure I had a Electra at one point in Atlantic livery, but again, on both AVSIM and Flightsim, the only Atlantic Airlines liverey I can see is the one that looks like its was painted green by those looking after the lawns at Wimbledon! :lol: I'm actually a bit concerned that a lot of old stuff seems to have disappeared from the internet, real shame.

Re: UK AI Flightplans

Posted: 12 Jun 2017, 19:42
by DaveG
I've got an Atlantic Electra by Team KBT. over at Avsim, unless that's the one you've already seen.

Re: UK AI Flightplans

Posted: 12 Jun 2017, 19:48
by DaveB
Been digging though an old drive and found THIS

There's a Bcal in there but no sign of an Emerald anywhere.
DaveB B)smk

Re: UK AI Flightplans

Posted: 12 Jun 2017, 19:59
by TSR2
That's the BCAL one DB, ta muchly! I am buggered if I can remember where all those AI plans are now. I had them backed up somewhere too, but maybe on an old machine or something.

DG, Cheers for that, I'll give it a whirl. I'm trying to understand how to use the animation editor in MCX using the default P3D ModelDef. The trouble seems to be I don't really know what half of the def's mean. Some are pretty obvious, but there are 4 entries for the elevator; aircraft_elevator_0_pct, aircraft_elevator_1_pct, aircraft_elevator_2_pct, aircraft_elevator_3_pct. I'm assuming the pct means percent? I'm also assuming if I select the right elevator and assign the animation as aircraft_elevator_0_pct that will do the trick, but I don't know. It seems to have worked for the gear on the Trident, and I've removed some animations that aren't necessary for AI, like the trim, but I seem to be missing something on the flaps. The Vanguard is an interesting one as the Airstairs don't seem to be coded as an animation, so not sure I can get rid of them.

Re: UK AI Flightplans

Posted: 12 Jun 2017, 20:13
by DaveG
Dont use "aircraft_elevator" tags, they're for the elevators in aircraft carriers! Use "elevator_key" or "elevator_percent_key"

You may be able to remove the airstairs on the vanguard using the "object hierarchy" in MCX.

Re: UK AI Flightplans

Posted: 12 Jun 2017, 20:19
by DaveG
Ben, if you paste this lot into the end of your modeldef.xml just before the final </ModelInfo> line then MCX will use these for a lot of FS9 animations and save you having to manually assign them. :cpu:

Code: Select all

	<!-- FS9 animations -->
	<Animation name="rudder" guid="BCAE0E1D-1471-42FC-93DC-A6D8EAD6F97B" length="100" type="Sim" typeparam2="rudder" typeparam="AutoPlay" />
	<PartInfo deprecated="true">
                    <Variable>RUDDER DEFLECTION</Variable>
	<Animation name="rudder_rev" guid="B86AA8F8-8648-49A2-8E02-A7AD3A46D66E" length="100" type="Sim" typeparam2="rudder_rev" typeparam="AutoPlay" />
	<PartInfo deprecated="true">
                    <Variable>RUDDER DEFLECTION</Variable>
	<Animation name="c_tire" guid="82EFBC43-3142-4342-90F1-EF15AFF7983E" length="100" type="Sim" typeparam2="c_tire" typeparam="AutoPlay" />
					(A:CENTER WHEEL RPM, grads) 400 &gt; if{ 1 } els{ 0 }
                    <Variable>CENTER WHEEL ROTATION ANGLE</Variable>
	<Animation name="l_tire" guid="7D3E85E5-1165-4AFF-AE8F-AF291BD66417" length="100" type="Sim" typeparam2="l_tire" typeparam="AutoPlay" />
					(A:LEFT WHEEL RPM, grads) 400 &gt; if{ 1 } els{ 0 }
                    <Variable>LEFT WHEEL ROTATION ANGLE</Variable>
	<Animation name="r_tire" guid="F7ECE656-1C8C-4C42-A97B-F2DF2B253715" length="100" type="Sim" typeparam2="r_tire" typeparam="AutoPlay" />	
					(A:RIGHT WHEEL RPM, grads) 400 &gt; if{ 1 } els{ 0 }
                    <Variable>RIGHT WHEEL ROTATION ANGLE</Variable>
	<Animation name="l_spoiler" guid="E0CCAA13-C9A2-4F93-9361-045AD5C1C1E4" length="100" type="Sim" typeparam2="l_spoiler" typeparam="AutoPlay" />	
                    <Variable>SPOILERS LEFT POSITION</Variable>
	<Animation name="r_spoiler" guid="673C9B53-2C8E-4A61-AD8D-0F70FF78309E" length="100" type="Sim" typeparam2="r_spoiler" typeparam="AutoPlay" />
                    <Variable>SPOILERS RIGHT POSITION</Variable>
	<Animation name="l_pct_lead_edge_flap0" guid="D00EF798-B8BE-4439-8A89-A461A7C8F761" length="100" type="Sim" typeparam2="l_pct_lead_edge_flap0" typeparam="AutoPlay" />	
                    <Variable>TRAILING EDGE FLAPS LEFT ANGLE</Variable>
	<Animation name="l_pct_lead_edge_flap1" guid="5E001B6F-8759-4C76-85AD-663336543A79" length="100" type="Sim" typeparam2="l_pct_lead_edge_flap1" typeparam="AutoPlay" />	
                    <Variable>TRAILING EDGE FLAPS LEFT ANGLE</Variable>
	<Animation name="left_flap" guid="19D7EE20-F992-415E-9F9C-AF91E6E9EE6B" length="100" type="Sim" typeparam2="left_flap" typeparam="AutoPlay" />	
                    <Variable>TRAILING EDGE FLAPS LEFT ANGLE</Variable>
	<Animation name="r_pct_lead_edge_flap0" guid="763C089F-6C44-46FA-88C1-4E72E2587996" length="100" type="Sim" typeparam2="r_pct_lead_edge_flap0" typeparam="AutoPlay" />
	<Animation name="r_pct_lead_edge_flap1" guid="6C257C32-6CF6-477C-8925-71A0F103CF1A" length="100" type="Sim" typeparam2="r_pct_lead_edge_flap1" typeparam="AutoPlay" />
	<Animation name="right_flap" guid="72611CF8-60DC-46F7-9F60-54D538EE6780" length="100" type="Sim" typeparam2="right_flap" typeparam="AutoPlay" />
	<Animation name="left_ailer" guid="06D067DE-85AA-4D75-AF71-8B8F8E75B682" length="100" type="Sim" typeparam2="left_ailer" typeparam="AutoPlay" /> 
                    <Variable>AILERON LEFT DEFLECTION</Variable>
	<Animation name="right_ailer" guid="CDB81ABA-19C8-4277-8193-3B6D83455EC5" length="100" type="Sim" typeparam2="right_ailer" typeparam="AutoPlay" />
                    <Variable>AILERON RIGHT DEFLECTION</Variable>
	<Animation name="elevator" guid="B8B28C77-8A6C-42E5-AE02-E267600878C9" length="100" type="Sim" typeparam2="elevator" typeparam="AutoPlay" />	
                    <Variable>ELEVATOR DEFLECTION</Variable>
	<Animation name="tailhook" guid="EA5B19F4-E8E9-42CF-9C47-3D6C8DBB0EBE" length="100" type="Sim" typeparam2="tailhook" typeparam="AutoPlay" />
                    <Variable>TAILHOOK POSITION:1</Variable>
	<Animation name="rudder_water_deploy" guid="3FA5B5DF-3359-400B-BD6F-0166910224F5" length="100" type="Sim" typeparam2="rudder_water_deploy" typeparam="AutoPlay" />
                    <Variable>WATER RUDDER HANDLE POSITION</Variable>
	<Animation name="l_pct_trail_edge_flap0" guid="C2CE9255-45BF-4282-B425-490F87668A53" length="100" type="Sim" typeparam2="l_pct_trail_edge_flap0" typeparam="AutoPlay" />
	<Animation name="r_pct_trail_edge_flap0" guid="8F766A34-1627-4A9B-9999-83C162DEE239" length="100" type="Sim" typeparam2="r_pct_trail_edge_flap0" typeparam="AutoPlay" />
	<Animation name="thrust_reverser0" guid="13D0B895-5343-410A-A7B7-D1015DCF9C25" length="100" type="Sim" typeparam2="thrust_reverser0" typeparam="AutoPlay" />
                    <Variable>TURB ENG REVERSE NOZZLE PERCENT:1</Variable>
	<Animation name="thrust_reverser1" guid="94AB6AD5-BE88-47F9-BF7E-F23F5ABE9B8E" length="100" type="Sim" typeparam2="thrust_reverser1" typeparam="AutoPlay" />
                    <Variable>TURB ENG REVERSE NOZZLE PERCENT:1</Variable>
	<Animation name="thrust_reverser2" guid="9DCC7BC0-0D66-4F4F-B351-C49531DC7F3B" length="100" type="Sim" typeparam2="thrust_reverser2" typeparam="AutoPlay" />
                    <Variable>TURB ENG REVERSE NOZZLE PERCENT:2</Variable>
	<Animation name="thrust_reverser3" guid="AA122116-721B-4E94-B652-42A0F20CD432" length="100" type="Sim" typeparam2="thrust_reverser3" typeparam="AutoPlay" />
                    <Variable>TURB ENG REVERSE NOZZLE PERCENT:3</Variable>
	<Animation name="thrust_reverser4" guid="2012368C-96A2-4F02-82AB-F0E78C4C2296" length="100" type="Sim" typeparam2="thrust_reverser4" typeparam="AutoPlay" />
                    <Variable>TURB ENG REVERSE NOZZLE PERCENT:4</Variable>
	<Animation name="Rudder_360_fs9" guid="065c0e10-cf50-4161-b7bc-fcbbf333370f" type="Sim" typeParam2="Rudder_360_fs9" length="100" typeParam="AutoPlay" />
					(A:RUDDER DEFLECTION, grads) 0 &lt; if{ (A:RUDDER DEFLECTION, grads) 0.25 * 100 + } els{ (A:RUDDER DEFLECTION, grads) 0.25 * }
	<Animation name="l_aileron_rev_key" guid="5B68BABC-81D4-4A5A-AEC6-916248194605" length="100" type="Sim" typeParam2="l_aileron_rev_key" typeParam="AutoPlay" />
                    <Variable>AILERON LEFT DEFLECTION</Variable>
	<Animation name="r_aileron_rev_key" guid="C885F8D8-BA20-4611-9E2C-1C301B32CBD4" length="100" type="Sim" typeParam2="r_aileron_rev_key" typeParam="AutoPlay" />
                    <Variable>AILERON RIGHT DEFLECTION</Variable>
	<Animation name="rudder_rev_key" guid="AAF5E22F-1161-440B-8F74-0F85B2FFDF90" length="100" type="Sim" typeParam2="rudder_rev_key" typeParam="AutoPlay" />
                    <Variable>RUDDER DEFLECTION</Variable>
	<Animation name="r_flap_rev_key" guid="04188F92-1CF7-450A-9D9C-BB49DC6005D0" length="100" type="Sim" typeParam2="r_flap_rev_key" typeParam="AutoPlay" />	
  	<Animation name="l_flap_rev_key" guid="550F694B-7959-4EFF-A0AE-DB76E68ED6E0" length="100" type="Sim" typeParam2="l_flap_rev_key" typeParam="AutoPlay" />	
					<Variable>TRAILING EDGE FLAPS LEFT ANGLE</Variable>
	<!-- End FS9 animations -->

Re: UK AI Flightplans

Posted: 12 Jun 2017, 21:22
by TSR2
legend DG, TVM, I'll give that a go :)

Re: UK AI Flightplans

Posted: 12 Jun 2017, 21:41
by DaveG
No problem. I can't take the credit for most of those, picked it up over at FSDeveloper. There will still be some you may have to do by hand but it'll take care of most common ones.