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Invisible cockpit

Posted: 30 Jul 2017, 19:26
by Jonbear
Hello, I'm fairly new to flight simming and have only today found your website. Until now I've been figuring things out for myself and researching online. I've always been interested in old propliners and turboprops so was delighted to find the Vickers Viscount 700 series here. I've downloaded and installed the FSX version (I have FSX steam ) twice now and although the thumbnails appear in the FSX menu & the outside of the plane appears on the apron, inside the cockpit the camera hovers in thin air about 12ft above the tarmac. I can look around at the scenery and things happening at the airport, but no cockpit or plane from the inside. I've since downloaded the fabulous HS748 which works very well. I know I've done something wrongly when installing the Vickers, but I don't know what. I've read and re read the instructions and tried putting the folders in different places, but no luck so far. I'd be really grateful if someone might have an idea where my mistake is and perhaps how to correct it.
thanks for your time,

Re: Invisible cockpit

Posted: 30 Jul 2017, 19:32
by DaveG
Hi Jon, and welcome. :hello:

The Viscount doesn't have a 3d cockpit, only 2d panels, so what you see is normal.

Re: Invisible cockpit

Posted: 30 Jul 2017, 19:36
by Jonbear
ok, thanks very much for your quick response

Re: Invisible cockpit

Posted: 30 Jul 2017, 19:42
by DaveB
Welcome Jon :thumbsup:

The only Viscount I know of with a VC was/is released by Just Flight and made by Aeroplane Heaven. What they produced is more 'generic' than any of the ones made by Rick Piper (and painted in their hundreds by Gary Russell) but if you're not a rivet counter.. it'll do. The full retail price isn't too bad but it's much nicer if you can wait for it to appear in a sale ;)

Product link here: ... y=Viscount

Link to 3 screenies of it I took recently here: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=30029

DaveB B)smk

Re: Invisible cockpit

Posted: 30 Jul 2017, 20:35
by Jonbear
Thanks very much for your pointer, I have seen the just flight version and may get it. This one is the one I've been after though, as it's a 700 series, so I'm delighted to use the 2D panels, which are particularly good. It has inspired me to get some software and try my hand at designing & painting, so who knows, after years of practice, maybe I can produce something myself and give back some freeware too. Many thanks for your efforts.

Re: Invisible cockpit

Posted: 30 Jul 2017, 21:10
by DaveB
No problem Jon :thumbsup:

The 'FSX' version in our library isn't FSX native.. it was just tweaked so all the bits and pieces appeared in FSX. The good thing about this is there are a hell of a lot of repaints for it. Gary used to upload to so that's a good place to start ;) There probably isn't one he didn't miss :lol:
DaveB B)smk