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Has anyone with a Win10 tablet..

Posted: 03 Aug 2017, 10:56
by DaveB
.. let it update to the Creators Edition?

I'm not keen on letting mine install it but I'm now getting warnings it's going to happen. Size of the download and space on the tablet are my primary concerns. I'm sure there's a way to tell the tablet it's metered BB which might stop it happening but I can't find it (although I've stumbled across it before when I was looking for something else) 8)

What say you fellas?
DaveB B)smk

Re: Has anyone with a Win10 tablet..

Posted: 03 Aug 2017, 11:20
by DaveG
Mine came up with the "coming soon" notice last week,but I haven't used it since so not actually upgraded yet. Like you, I'm not sure there is enough free space anyway. :lol:
I think the metered connection setting is in the privacy options somewhere but not sure off the top of my head.

Re: Has anyone with a Win10 tablet..

Posted: 03 Aug 2017, 11:33
by DaveB
Hiya Dave :hello:

Yup.. found the setting. Go to Internet Connections/Networks-Wifi- then something like 'Manage known networks' when it will come up with all the networks your tablet has access too. Click on the one you want and select 'Properties'. There, you can switch metered connection on or off. Mobile networks are metered by default so I clicked on my PlusNet connection and made that metered too :lol:

I'm not sure if the Creators Edition is an update you have to install. I know there's an uninstall option for it but that's about it. *-)

This is a definite drawback of Windows tablets isn't it. I only have half the ram you have too 8)
DaveB B)smk