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Forum Names

Posted: 02 Nov 2018, 11:05
by ChrisHunt
Sending birthday greetings just now had me thinking.... There are a few people, me included, that either use or real names or parts of our real names for the forum but the majority don't. For those that don't what inspired the names you chose?

Re: Forum Names

Posted: 02 Nov 2018, 11:39
by Airspeed
My deep respect for the Airspeed Oxford. :agree:
I didn't want to totally confuse everyone by including my other love; Hawker Hurricane.
Maybe I should have called myself Airspeed Hurricane, *-) but then I'd get jibes about not knowing who designed the Hurricane. :doh:
I should shut up now. :-#

btw, Moniack is a Castle near the given location of Louie. But that's for him to tell you if he visits again.

Re: Forum Names

Posted: 02 Nov 2018, 12:00
by RobDob
First 3 letters of my first name and first 3 of my surname! Not very exciting :lol:

Re: Forum Names

Posted: 02 Nov 2018, 15:34
by Scorpius
From a mobile disco (that I later owned) at RAF Thorney Island in 1973. Became a part of my life for 32 years.

Partied through the 70's, 80's, 90's and noughties for the best times in music. As Tom Moulton (disco producer) said,' bet you can't hum a rap tune you like, but anything from the 70's and 80's you can'.


Re: Forum Names

Posted: 02 Nov 2018, 16:56
by Dev One
My radio call sign at Llanbedr as Head of the Engineering Development Section.

Re: Forum Names

Posted: 02 Nov 2018, 17:14
by airboatr

Re: Forum Names

Posted: 02 Nov 2018, 18:34
by SkippyBing
One of my noms de matelot, in reality very few people actually know or use my real name so it seemed a bit pointless using it online!

Re: Forum Names

Posted: 02 Nov 2018, 20:31
by Buggyman
It's the name my stepson gave me after seeing me hurtling (8 mph!) on the country roads near our house on my disability scooter. "Here comes Buggyman" just stuck! Anyhow it's also in his memory as he left this life 26 years ago.

The memory continues...…



Re: Forum Names

Posted: 02 Nov 2018, 21:23
by Filonian
Filonian 'cos I reside near Filey *-)


Re: Forum Names

Posted: 02 Nov 2018, 21:56
by blanston12
Way back when I came up with my pen name, I remembered an old Steve Martin standup bit where he said his real name was not 'Steve Martin', but was in fact 'Gern Blanston'. So when registering for some internet chat service (it may have been AOL messenger), I was trying several variations of that name until the one I currently use came up as free.

If I had to do it again I would probably have picked something less obscure