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This about says it all - strong language

Posted: 27 Mar 2019, 09:26
by Filonian
This about says it all - strong language


Re: This about says it all - strong language

Posted: 27 Mar 2019, 10:24
by paulsl
This is brilliant and extraordinary.

I've heard of Jonathan Pie but paid no attention until this. I stand astonished. What an amazingly accurate assessment of how the UK got where it is and the reasons for it. How sad that the mess could be so accurately described, with no solutions offered.

I keep thinking that if Brenda wasn't in her dotage, she'd turn around, invoke the constitution and put a stop to this horror, pausing only to send the MPs to the Tower to be executed. A boy can hope. I have that, it seems the UK hasn't.

Oh dear, I'd better stop :'(

I can only hope that this nonsense turns out well. Sadly, I don't think it will.


Re: This about says it all - strong language

Posted: 27 Mar 2019, 11:19
by Airspeed
Makes you wonder just how many countries have the same opinion of their governments.

I don't follow our own politics as closely as I probably should, but I am constantly dismayed when I do pay attention.

I'm seeing Brexit from afar, but as I see it:
One man (mainly) stirred up the whole country against the EU.
He got his way through a referendum to exit, then left politics immediately to watch his bomb slowly explode.
The UK government tried to put the result of the referendum into action, despite not supporting it.
There was a deal brokered with the EU, but the terms of the deal were not publicised.
The government refused to agree to the deal (did they know what was in the agreement?)
The PM gets blamed for the process not working.
I don't understand this, or many other things in the world.

Re: This about says it all - strong language

Posted: 27 Mar 2019, 15:02
by Tomliner
I think he should stop beating about the bush and tell it straight! :hide: EricT

Re: This about says it all - strong language

Posted: 27 Mar 2019, 17:47
by Vancouver
It seems to be the way of things nowadays. Politicians, a weak self interested loathsome bunch. Not a Statesman (woman/person) among them. I do not know the solution. And don't get me started on Trudeau. :help:

Re: This about says it all - strong language

Posted: 27 Mar 2019, 20:53
by Dev One
One man (mainly) stirred up the whole country against the EU
My take on it is that he wanted to stay at the EU decision table in order to be able to take back our own judiciary by negotiation. Unfortunately it became a slanging match in the hustings about the amount that is paid to the EU for services rendered, totally foxing the general public!
Hope this thread doesn't go off the rails.
We have friends who both were for Brexit, they own a holiday home here - he was a timber importer & she was a magistrate.....he should have known better from having to supply cross border compliant paperwork - different procedures required inside or out of the EU. She, I can wholly understand, but obviously didn't think about the still at the table option.

Caught up in the mess!!! :(

Re: This about says it all - strong language

Posted: 28 Mar 2019, 00:11
by airboatr
Are you guys trying to give me a wind up? :rant:


Re: This about says it all - strong language

Posted: 28 Mar 2019, 11:31
by Nigel H-J
Whatever thought or decision you made when we had the referendum, MP's are supposed to see that the wishes of the people are carried out but it now has become apparent that they are a total disgrace to our country and what is more the laughing stock of the world as none of them can agree on anything to do with Brexit, but if you so much as told them they will lose their privileges from cheap booze and meals in the commons to expenses for traveling to and from work as well as expenses for accomodation etc etc etc!! Then you will soon find that they can all unanimously agree to fight it!!

As Alex wrote:
Politicians, a weak self interested loathsome bunch. Not a Statesman (woman/person) among them.
That about sums up my thoughts of them. Come next election no-one will get my vote for there is not a party out there that can run this country and make it back to what it was. Great Britain!!

Yours :rant: