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AWAC worries?

Posted: 23 Dec 2019, 01:05
by Airspeed
If you're worried About Weight At Christmas, May I suggest the
"Glutton-free Diet"
You can use the free demo below, which is an unrestricted and complete version. Alternatively, you can get the payware version, emailed directly to you, for only AU$89.99 - that's under AU$90 !, giving you two copies for the price of one. Act NOW, you won't be sorry, or put on weight.
(all proceeds go towards a new flight simulator for me)

The glutton-free Diet.
Decide what you are going to eat and drink.
Serve one third of the above.

Re: AWAC worries?

Posted: 23 Dec 2019, 15:30
by Tako_Kichi
I've been on that diet for the past 20 years Mike! It's called living on a disability pension over here! I completely cut out one meal per day (lunch) and only eat breakfast and an evening meal with maybe a light snack in the evening before bed. I had to something to make ends meet as we couldn't afford three meals a day for everyone with 2 adults and two teenage kids trying to get by on disability.

Christmas dinner over here has been courtesy of the local 'Goodfellows' ( ) for years. They provide the turkey and two large boxes of trimmings (all the stuff to go with it, veggies, cranberry sauce, stuffing, fruit, etc.) and when the kids were younger they even provided age and gender appropriate gifts in there for them too. The turkey can keep us going right up to the New Year if you don't mind eating turkey almost every day at least once! We would be stuck without them and fully appreciate everything the organization does.

The organization locally is mostly manned by volunteer firefighters who also do most of the fundraising along with the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) who help to distribute the goods each Christmas. Both groups also run the 'Coats For Kids' (winter clothing for needy kids) and 'Toys For Tots' (Christmas gifts for needy kids) campaigns too. As my wife is a former 911 emergency fire dispatcher for the local volunteer fire department the group are close to our hearts.

Re: AWAC worries?

Posted: 24 Dec 2019, 10:35
by Airspeed
Sorry to hear that your Christmases are charity-dependent, Larry.
Nevertheless, I hope that you and your family enjoy the festive season, and that 2020 brings better circumstances.