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Payware repaints

Posted: 01 Mar 2020, 19:46
by TSR2
As I’ve actually managed to spend some time flying over the past few weeks in P3D, it’s occurred to me that the lack of repaints for some of the payware models is considerable. I’ve been flying the QW146 /Avro and the lack of repaints for the early examples (146’s) when compared with the FS9 freeware JM models is incredible. When you look at the Vanguard for example or DM’s 1-11’s I think every variation that flew was painted... mostly by our old friend Garry. It just struck me how spoilt we were.
I take it that avsim and flightsim are still the go to libraries for repaints?

Re: Payware repaints

Posted: 01 Mar 2020, 20:07
by DaveG
Yes, I agree. I think most of the wider flightsim community seem to prefer current models / paint schemes rather than retro ones, so maybe the demand isn't there as much. :dunno:
If there's any particular scheme you'd like for the 146 I'd be happy to give it a go. :cpu:

Re: Payware repaints

Posted: 01 Mar 2020, 20:31
by TSR2
You’ve done all of the ones I asked for mate! It’s funny isn’t it. Part of the issue with the QW 146 was that they never made the QT model, which rules out the early TNT ones etc, but back in the day there was AirUK, Jersey European (pre Flybe), Manx flew one or two of them. Then there were the BAe House Colours from the 146 promo days, and even the BAE Systems liveries they used for internal flights well into the naughties. I was actually flying ZAPK that you did for me the other night. The Titan liveries where so unique. I think the original one was a pale yellow with the Titan helmet, but the the planets livery was like nothing else. It looked great on the 757 too. Certainly an airline that has survived where others have fallen away.

The thing was that’s a reasonably modern jet which has seen service with loads of operators.

Re: Payware repaints

Posted: 02 Mar 2020, 14:12
by JohnD
Hi Dave
If there's any particular scheme you'd like for the 146 I'd be happy to give it a go.
I do have a fondness for the 146, being there at the roll-out of the prototype, also the first flight of the 300 series and flown as a passenger in 5 or 6 during my working life.

The QW 146 is a great model to fly and as you say is lacking in paint schemes so if you would like to add some I among others would be very grateful. I have had a go but don't know what I'm doing and at my age its seems too late to understand the process :help: .

However I do like the original BAe colours on the first three aircraft, Orange on the prototype G-SSSH, Blue colours on G-SSHH and the Brown colours on G-SCHH. This was repainted in Dan-Air colours for Farnborough and therefore was short-lived and not many photos exist of this scheme. I have photos from a BAe brochure taken at Hatfield.

I don't have an image sharing app. I used to use dropbox but that doesn't work anymore.

I can PM you copies if you like.


Re: Payware repaints

Posted: 02 Mar 2020, 15:08
by DaveG
Hi John, I can certainly take a look at doing those paints.
May be a couple of weeks before I can start though, as I'm pretty busy this week, then I'm away all next week.

Re: Payware repaints

Posted: 02 Mar 2020, 20:03
by JohnD
Hi Dave.
No problems, any time.


Re: Payware repaints

Posted: 04 Mar 2020, 19:31
by DaveG
Been searching the web for pics etc, & found that G-SSSH had already been done for the QW 146-100. over at Avsim if you're interested.

Re: Payware repaints

Posted: 04 Mar 2020, 19:47
by TSR2
I’ll have a look for that Dave. Didn’t see it when I looked before. Thanks for the heads up 👍

Re: Payware repaints

Posted: 04 Mar 2020, 21:05
by TSR2
Hi Dave, That works a treat. There are a couple of others that need revisiting as the installer claimed the were FS2004, as it did with this one. I checked the ZIP and they were DDS files so manually added the repaint and it was fine. Thanks! :thumbsup: :welldone:

Re: Payware repaints

Posted: 04 Mar 2020, 21:41
by DaveG
I'd only installed it manually anyway. :lol:
Not too sure about the colours, look a bit bright to me *-) .