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Kai Tak for MSFS

Posted: 22 Dec 2020, 09:00
by SkippyBing
Couldn't see it anywhere else here but there's now a decent freeware Kai Tak for MSFS at
There's a slight issue if you get the MSFS marketplace Sam Scene Hong Kong scenery, in that there's a cruise liner terminal on the 31 threshold! I believe the developer is working on that and some people say the latest version solves the problem, although not for me. However that hasn't stopped me operating the A320 to/from 13 and you can always disable one of the add-ons.


Re: Kai Tak for MSFS

Posted: 22 Dec 2020, 09:13
by TSR2
Kia Tak is a must have in any sim tbh. I reroute all my Hong Kong traffic (in FSX, P3D, FS9) to it. I really hope Fly Tampa release theirs for MSFS, but I'm not spend more time in it atm until there are some aircraft that I want to fly.

Thanks for the heads up Skip :thumbsup: