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Joystick issue

Posted: 27 Aug 2022, 12:46
by paul26may
I've been using a HOTAS Thrustmaster joystick for several years but have never been able to steer an aircraft properly when taxiing or keeping it in a straight line on take off if there's a crosswind. The slightest twist sends whatever aircraft I'm in violently to left or right and I've tried altering the sensitivity settings but it makes not a blind bit of difference.

Re: Joystick issue

Posted: 27 Aug 2022, 13:26
by TSR2
Hi Paul,

I had a lot of vibrations in my rudder which I put down to the sim (MSFS) for the past couple of years. It turns out it was the potentiometer in the Sidewinder stick that is connected to the twist mechanism. Took the handle off and a little WD40 did the trick.

However if its always done it, and its hard left or hard right, it might well be the yaw dampers. I remember having this issue in FSX, were if the yaw dampers were engaged when on the ground, it was impossible to steer.

Re: Joystick issue

Posted: 27 Aug 2022, 16:06
by paul26may
Hello Ben.

It could be the yaw dampers I suppose but I'm not sure how to engage/disengage them. I'll have to check it out.

Re: Joystick issue

Posted: 04 Sep 2022, 00:12
by Motormouse
Try increasing the null aka dead zone for
rudder axis

