Just Flight F28

If you have a payware prog whether it be a model, scenery or utility that you have tried.. tell us about it here.

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Nigel H-J
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Re: Just Flight F28

Post by Nigel H-J »

Going to buy sometime next week so will spend the time watching videos of cockpit procedures from dark and cold to shut down. Should keep me occupied for a couple of days. 8)

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Re: Just Flight F28

Post by DaveG »

First patch is out, download from your JF account.
  • Rudder not working with Xbox controller - fixed (support added for ‘RUDDER AXIS RIGHT’ and ‘RUDDER AXIS LEFT’ assignments)
    EFB configuration options (e.g. GPS navigation, state saving) not saved between flights - fixed
    State saving logic fixes
    Nosewheel steering logic improved, including better handling of dead-zone and self-centring
    Independent landing and upper/lower beacon control logic fixed
    Centre instrument backlighting not switching off - fixed
    EFB jetway option no longer triggers MSFS jetway request, for compatibility with GSX
    Logo lights now switch off automatically when the aircraft is airborne
    EFB brightness now adjusts automatically if the time of day is changed during a flights
    Observer seat animation fixed
    GNS 530 screen can now be dimmed using centre pedestal lighting knob (left lower overhead panel)
    Over-wing camera views clipping windows - fixed
    Minor manual corrections
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Re: Just Flight F28

Post by PaulC »

Got it last night. Very good overall. I only had time to go for a bimble around and then do an ILS approach, go around into a visual circuit.

Need to get familiar with the flows and procedures as its certainly "unique" although if you've flown the 1-11, it has a lot of similarities.

I'll keep you updated

PS, it's good to be back!

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Re: Just Flight F28

Post by TSR2 »

Great to see you Paul 👍

She does look very good 😁


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Nigel H-J
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Re: Just Flight F28

Post by Nigel H-J »

I am rather hoping that some-one here can help me unless I have to put a ticket in to Just Flight.

Downloaded a few days ago and started a flight, on take-off it was turning hard to the right and found strangely that my rudders were locked to the right and I had to kick over to the left to straighten out. In the 146 the rudders work as they should ( I have racing car pedals that will work as rudder)
but whatever I do I cannot get the rudders to work as they should, they are set up correctly in the sim as all other aircraft rudders work OK. *-) Secondly, I have the Honeycomb throttles with the speed brake lever, that works without having to set it up on the 146 i.e. when moving the lever to the stop the speed brakes come out and on touch down I pull the same lever over the detent and the spoilers operate but this does not work on the F28 I can only assign the spoilers but not airbrakes/speed brakes. Is there such a command in MS to assign speed brakes or airbrakes as this is becoming quite frustrating, not being able to have operating rudders even when assigning auto-rudders and can end up in a bit of a mess on the side of the runway. :$

Any help welcomed.

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Re: Just Flight F28

Post by PaulC »

Hi Nigel,

The rudders seem to work for me although they are very sensitive, keeping it straight in a gusty crosswind on touchdown is a challenge.
Speedbreaks seems to work fine for me.

How do you find the autopilot? I had it in its wing level mode, and selected my next heading. When I flicked over to HDG mode, the resulting rate of roll would have spilled every drink in the cabin, it's a bit quick in its roll rate.


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Re: Just Flight F28

Post by Nigel H-J »

Hi Paul, to maintain runway heading t/o or landing I do find, like you, they are very sensitive and so easy to over correct hence a very chaotic landing or takeoff so really have to find a way to reduce sensitivity.

I have not as yet got round to trying the AP however, there is a command in ms to reduce bank/increase bank which works well on the 146. Not atcomputer until tomorrow but if you look on the (AP commands) I think it may be increase bank / decrease bank, I have them selected on my yoke and you press the buttons once twice or even three times to increase/decrease bank. I will have a look tomorrow afternoon and let you know the command I use. But it works extremely well, I use it all the time.
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Re: Just Flight F28

Post by PaulC »

Ah, that's handy to know. It banks family steep but not excessive, it's more the rate of rolls at to get there! Try it, I'm sure you'll see what I mean.


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Re: Just Flight F28

Post by Nigel H-J »

Hi Paul, did try autopilot and initiated a ninety degree turn and I also found it to be as you wrote. Tried also the command reduce bank but unlike the HS146, this feature does not appear to be programmed. In X-Plane 11 I have the FJS 727 and 732, neither these had it either. Was informed that some aircraft did not have bank adjust in turns though in that case I tend to use HDG Mode and start to turn the knob slowly to avoid too much bank and try to keep the bank steady at around 35 degs. That does work, though not ideal!! My only other though was that the F28 did not incorporate one.

With the HS146 you can set 2 buttons to increase and decrease bank so as soon as I switch the AP on I then press the switch so as not taken by surprise with a steep turn!! :doh:

Still cannot get the rudders to work, wonder whether it might have something to do with the last update? Only way round it is to set a lever for nose wheel steering which means a bit of fun on landing.

Neither can I get the spoilers to operate after applying speed brake for landing :doh: Even tried copying the 146 control setup over to the F28 but not much success.

If any-one has any ideas please throw them to me!! *-)

I used to be an optimist but with age I am now a grumpy old pessimist.

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Re: Just Flight F28

Post by Vc Ten »

Well I took the plunge yesterday. Spent this morning setting the control bindings, and then followed a few circuits out of Liverpool, to get the feel of her and shoot a few approaches.
First impressions I like her, a lot actually. Reminds me of a 1-11 200. Cockpit seems somehow flatter than say the 146 which looks more 3d to me. But it's very good all the same. Instruments are clear enough and fine if you zoom in a bit. I felt the default eyepoint was too close in, you were cramped up to the panel. I moved the eyepoint back a few inches or so. Feels more comfortable now. Sounds are excellent, as are the bumps and rattles as you taxi out.
Flight is very predictable. I've no problem with hand flying or the autopilot. Yeah it takes a bit of getting used to. She's no A320, and it's been a while since flying Vor. Be a bit before I can do it without opening the map to double-check where I am :lol:
Not sure the problems you are having with the rudder Nigel. If it was the gust lock all the controls would be frozen Must be something to do with your pedal bindings. Is your steering on the rudder axis? I actually have a support ticket open with JF for the 146 as my rudder stops working on that model. I have to tick then un tick the nose wheel steering on rudder axis, in the setting menu on the flight tablet to get it working. Strange *-)
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