R1155 receiver

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alan cottrill
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R1155 receiver

Post by alan cottrill »

I have been working on a FSX/P3D 2D popup ww2 british R1155 receiver for about 3 months now and the XML programming is relativly new to me , so very much hit an miss.
I have the artwork done and basic animations and click spots done in the xml code , but having issues trying to get the course and fine control knobs and frequency needle animating with the saitek radio control knobs , they animate with click spots on gauge itself , and the frequency selector switch although it animates and you can see FSUIPC changing the switch numbers , i cannot get it changing from COM/NAV/ADF , i am obviously doing something wrong , i have looked at other freeware radio xml codes to try and get pointers and i got some funny results , both amusing and frustrating results that is.
If any kind sole could help point me in the correct direction , i would be greatful.
many thanks regards Alan Cottrill. B-)

alan cottrill
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Re: R1155 receiver

Post by alan cottrill »

I can get the course/fine tuning knobs rotating with saitek radio course/fine knobs and clickspots , also managed with trickery to get the course/fine tuning knobs to work with frequncy switch for com/nav/adf frequncies , but although i can get the needle to move with click spots and saitek radio course/fine knobs , the needle gives strange results and will not travel from left side to right side in an arc of 180 degrees i have only been using the com for the needle animation at this time .
Work will come to a stop for possibly one week till my left eye recovers from surgery that i will be having on friday 9th aug.
if any kind sole can think of an XML formula that could get the needle moving correctly over dial face i would greatly appreciate it .
regards Alan. B-)

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Re: R1155 receiver

Post by Tako_Kichi »

Is this a pure 2D gauge or is it a 3D model of the radio with a camera view to show operation? If it's a pure 2D gauge I'm afraid I can't help as I am hopeless at gauge programming (I lost my XML programmer to cancer a couple of years ago and still miss him almost every day :'( ). If it's a 3D model I might be able to assist. Either way you would be better off asking this question in the FSDeveloper forum in the FSX/P3D gauge section.


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Re: R1155 receiver

Post by Tako_Kichi »

Oh wow! I just looked up the R1155 and realized I used to have access to one for a couple of years when I lived in the UK. I am a Radio Ham and at the time I lived in a flat/apartment over a TV sales/repair shop (back in the days when TVs were repaired not tossed!) When the technician in the store learned I was a Ham he offered me the use of an old R1155 he had in his attic which used to belong to his uncle who was a radio op in Lancaster bombers during WWII. I hooked a 'long wire' to it and used it as a shortwave receiver and it picked up signals from all over the world! I gave it back to him when I bought a Uniden Bearcat transistorized SW/MW receiver which I brought with me to Canada.

He also gave me a c.1953 ex-RAF Morse training key and vibro-oscillator. It was mounted to a tatty square of plywood and was badly corroded and the zinc plating was blistering badly. I decided to try scraping off some of the zinc corrosion and saw a glint of yellow and I knew what that meant! Many hours of scraping, sanding, polishing and sealing later I had a beautiful solid brass Morse key complete with solid silver contacts. I used that key for many years and it is within arm's reach as I sit here typing this now and I still use it to pound out code from time to time but these days I prefer to use either a single paddle key or a twin paddle key into an electronic keyer.

alan cottrill
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Re: R1155 receiver

Post by alan cottrill »

Hi Tako.
Its a 2D pop up gauge i am working on i did state on first post but you must have missed that part , no probs work on gauge temporaryily susspended due my cataract op yesterday on my left eye .
regards Alan. B-)

alan cottrill
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Re: R1155 receiver

Post by alan cottrill »

My left eye recovered from surgery quicker than expected , and i have been trying to get the frequency needle and course/fine tuning knobs and frequncy selector knob working over range of com1/nav1/2 and adf1 , this i appear to have achieved , but two snags still to work out on frequencies and knobs ,
problems to fix
1/. trying to stop the frequency needle and knobs looping from max back to min ie if needle full right it should stop but it immediately jumps back to left side and starts over again and vice versa
2/. by default frequency selector knob is set to coms , once engine starts course/fine knobs and needle disappear until you hit clickspot for coms or if prior to engine start you cycle the frequency selector knob then it does not disappear , because i had to use visable function as same couse/fine tuning knobs and needle cover all frequencies.
Until i can get the frequencies sorted i cannot progreess to the other functions of this receiver
regards Alan. B-)

alan cottrill
Posts: 292
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Re: R1155 receiver

Post by alan cottrill »

Ref to the two snags
1/ looping frrequencies from max back to min not fixed
2/ COMS needle and tuning knobs not showing or disappearing on eng start now fixed
regards Alan. B-)

alan cottrill
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Re: R1155 receiver

Post by alan cottrill »

Today i have managed to get a readout gauge for all frequncies left of tunning knobs so you can see exactly what you are tunning to , as the needle is just a display due to ww2 frequncies on dial not matching flight sim frequencies , still not figured out how to stop frequencies looping from min back to max or vice versa , need to try and get this done if possible before proceeding to other functions of radio ,also renumbered my line numbers in XML file as an aide to fault finding , xml already over 1300 lines of code.
regards Alan. 8)

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The Ministry
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Re: R1155 receiver

Post by TSR2 »

Sounds like you're making good progress Alan 👍


alan cottrill
Posts: 292
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Re: R1155 receiver

Post by alan cottrill »

Over the last week and the weekend , i was messing about getting the frequency window digits all the same size coms gave me the biggest headach with the decimal strip the frequency window and frequency readouts are now all same size and syncted to the saitek radio panel readout , and i have been doing PSP files in psp8 for two of the 3 other gauges that i need to work with the R1155 one is the antenna selector switch and the other , is what was nick named two drunken men , the one not yet started is the DF LOOP antenna , still not figured out how to stop frequncy needle going from min left side to max right side instead of being selected in opposite direction , I.E. looping , i think this might be a sim issue that cannot be stopped as i have check both different payware and freeware aircraft in my sim and they all have same issue of looping.
regards Alan. B-)

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