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RN and RAF Phantoms FS9

Posted: 29 Apr 2006, 16:02
by CavOk
Freeware or payware what does the forum think, which is the one to have?

Posted: 29 Apr 2006, 16:57
by Quixoticish
I'm probably biased but.... this one will be a must have without a doubt: :dance: ... .php?t=490

Posted: 29 Apr 2006, 17:27
by CavOk
Chris Halpin wrote:I'm probably biased but.... this one will be a must have without a doubt: :dance: ... .php?t=490
Hi Chris
Thanks for the HU and the link. It certainly is very tempting.

Posted: 29 Apr 2006, 18:13
by DaveB
There is one problem with the Iris release CavOK.. a release date. It was scheduled for the first part of this year which slipped to the first quarter and here we are at the end of April!! I'm sure (and hope!!) it will be great when it finally appears but until then, the best Phantom's I've seen are from Alphasim. Sadly, no UK versions as yet but these.. like christmas and the Iris models.. are coming :wink:

No experience of a freeware Phantom so can't comment :smile:


DaveB :tab:

Posted: 29 Apr 2006, 19:02
by John

I have to say I've been generally more pleased with the Alpha Sim product over the years. As for when they're available, well it seems that the Alpha Sim version in imminent...

Oh and as for freeware, they're few and far between, the only one I know of is Ito's version over at etc try There's various repaints by talented guys like Andy Nott etc.



Posted: 01 May 2006, 00:19
by ben_ukmil
im gonna place my money on the new alphasim one when its released, mainly for the fact it hasnt got a fin-top RWR. plus i love the tri-color raf roundels when they first put them into service in the recon role. i never liked grey phantoms, but thats a matter of taste.

Posted: 02 May 2006, 18:50
by CavOk
Thanks for the info guys, very helpfull.