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Come flying this weekend!

Posted: 02 May 2006, 19:42
by Tom Everitt AFG
We will be pleasure flying at Goodwood Airfield with the Prentice and Rapide. If you are in the aera pop along and say hello and go for a flight in a classic Brit!

The next pleasure flying day will be at Peterborough Conington on Saturday 13th May, again with Rapide and Prentice.

More info at


Posted: 02 May 2006, 19:46
by TobyV
Exellent, count me in, do I need to book anything in advance?

Posted: 02 May 2006, 20:33
by Tom Everitt AFG
Hi Toby

Nope, just turn up on the day! It's a pretty laid back affair.

See you there :thumbsup:


Posted: 02 May 2006, 20:57
by Vixus
You couldn't have waited till June, could you? :roll:
Oh well, we'll try again next time! :lol:

Posted: 02 May 2006, 21:12
by Hot_Charlie
Old Warden weekend... :dance:

Bring them up north... Then I'd be 'appy :smile:

Posted: 02 May 2006, 21:16
by John
That's just down the road from me... sounds like a dam fine idea. Any particular time?


Posted: 02 May 2006, 21:18
by TobyV
Howmany pieces of silver will I need to bring :lol: ?

Posted: 02 May 2006, 22:15
by Tom Everitt AFG
We'll be arriving about half 9 on Saturday morning turn up any time after then. Cost is £55 per person.
Bring them up north... Then I'd be 'appy
I'm currently looking into doing pleasure flights from Sheffield City (My home town) and Sherburn if either of those are close by. Dates to be announced soon.


Re: Come flying this weekend!

Posted: 03 May 2006, 00:20
by Kevin Farnell
Tom Everitt AFG wrote:
The next pleasure flying day will be at Peterborough Conington on Saturday 13th May, again with Rapide and Prentice.

Excellent, thats just 30min up the road.


Posted: 03 May 2006, 09:37
by jamesstables
Tom Everitt AFG wrote:We'll be arriving about half 9 on Saturday morning turn up any time after then. Cost is £55 per person.
Bring them up north... Then I'd be 'appy
I'm currently looking into doing pleasure flights from Sheffield City (My home town) and Sherburn if either of those are close by. Dates to be announced soon.

Excellent news! :lol: I know a few people who might well be interested in that.